Amen. One bad shoot and Jailton is waking up the next day with a bad headache. Every round starts on the feet.

Water lol, every beer I match with water and every shot/mixed drink I match with 2 glasses of water. You donā€™t get as messed up but I wake up for 8am shifts feeling good enough.

That motherfucker is gonna be aged well by the time we get there šŸ¤£ I do think we got some pieces that can get us a little playoff run, but weā€™re another 2ish years from being contenders. With that being said, RAIDERS SB 59 CHAMPS BABY

DC strike force

Jon Jones UFC 140 vs Machida

Conor McGregor UFC 205 vs Alvarez

RDA UFC Fight Night vs Cowboy

Prime Iā€™d want Vitor, Bisping (Rockhold II), Masvidal (Fight Night vs Till), and Strikeforce Nick Diaz.

I do want Usman but Iā€™d pick his fight against Colby the first time.

Heā€™s 100% shooting for a leg in the first 30 seconds.

Weā€™re all human and we all have temptations. Maybe break the fast with something a little healthier first lol, but youā€™ll do so much better next time, I believe in you!

Itā€™s a process and you need to let those cravings subside, itā€™s just your brain wanting to eat something because itā€™s bored. Maybe reconsider doing extended fasts and try IF before doing anything over 20hrs for now, and once you get a better tolerance for it, youā€™ll get there.

4 total, 3 consecutively. Beat Werdum in 2016, defended against Alisteroids, JDS, Francis. Then he lost to DC, got the belt back, and defended it against DC in the trilogy fight.

The other GOAT of HW, Cain won it from Brock, lost it the next fight to JDS, 2 fights later won it back and defended twice before losing to Werdum.

Leave. That man needs a wake up call to get his shit together and you leaving will either kick him in the ass or take a load off your shoulders. Heā€™s not taking any steps to get sober or at least cut back. He can be ā€œdisappointed in himselfā€ all he wants but until he realizes he canā€™t keep getting away with this, nothing is going to change.

Alcoholism is a terrible thing and itā€™s not something thatā€™s easy to control, and I get that you want to be there for him, but he has to be there for himself first and right now it seems like he thinks heā€™s got you locked in and youā€™ll just deal with it.

Get out of there, sheā€™s gaslighting you. Itā€™s gonna suck and sting for a little bit but youā€™ll be grateful when your mental health gets better. You should be with someone whoā€™s proud to call you their partner and who isnā€™t afraid to call you ā€œboyfriendā€.

In reality, she was probably there with a guy she was attracted to if she was scared to say she has a boyfriend or friends who donā€™t like you. Itā€™s long distance brother, this stuff happens and you shouldnā€™t be stressing over something you really donā€™t have control over.

UFC 249: COVID vs. Dana

First time heā€™s been KOd too, messes with your head and you start questioning a lot of things.

Same result but probably later on in the fight. Sean got a little sloppy after eating a few of the leg kicks and got caught being flat footed. I still think his lights get shut off but maybe in the 2nd or 3rd now that heā€™s trained with him and has a little better understanding of the puzzle that is Poatan.

Iā€™m curious to see what Ankalaev or a rematch with Blachowicz brings in terms of ground game.


In all due seriousness this put into perspective of how ancient this tech is and I feel old now

ThatMexicanOT, Iā€™m Mexican too and glad to see him make it big in hip hop

The base game has a lot more but at least all the new content fighters arenā€™t locked behind DLC and can be earned by playing the game.

This game is so legendary. I remember when it first came out after months browsing on the old Undead Labs forms and then 12 year old me begging my dad to buy the game for me. I played it non stop for 2 years, and then kept falling in love with it and moving on from it. Just started playing it again for the first time since COVID and remembering all the fun younger me had.

Dude was bald for one fight and they kept his character like that for 3 and a half years lol

Man that Curtis face scan is so clean

First card I ever fucking bought and this is how it ended šŸ˜­ invited the boys over with pizza and beer too and we all just laughed our asses off cuz I hyped it up so much.

lol I thought it was a joke about how if you can complain about mayo, then you can go fuck yourself. It being a typo makes a lot more sense

UFC 249: COVID vs. Dana

Theyā€™re all on something, in every sport from college/amateur to the pros. I think itā€™s even more rampant in countries outside of the US in MMA since their drug testing was through 3rd parties and it was easier for those guys to time their cycles a lot better. It isnā€™t just for muscle growth or improved endurance either, lot of the times itā€™s for recovery with small to medium injuries.

UFC 249: COVID vs. Dana

His camp strategizes well but if you held a stethoscope to Dricusā€™ forehead while fighting youā€™d just hear the sounds of the ocean. He relies on big shots and chaos, same thing pre-point fighter Paulo relied on, they need to mess up your game plan and keep you uncomfortable on your feet for their offense to open up. He needs a big strike early like Strickland had on Izzy to really stand a chance.

UFC 249: COVID vs. Dana

Heā€™s a super intelligent striker, his only downfall is that his style requires to leave himself open to shots to set up his offense. His hands sit low and that left is down near his hip like a quick draw lol. Jiri and Jan both caught him a few times with shots that were above the ear.

UFC 249: COVID vs. Dana

I think if Alex was a natural MW he eats that shot that put him out against Izzy the 2nd time. Dude was cutting 40-50lbs to make those fights. He really is a force, but he looks 10x healthier and stronger at 205 than he did at 185.

I always see her getting referenced for some racist comments she made years ago anytime she pops up on twitter