I actually have these. If you beach often, they are nice.

I get it. I can cook them perfect every time but have a hard time getting them to peel right.

Or maybe it’s something like she wants to do this, but Dan wants to do something else, and they have to figure out which way to go. She strikes me as someone who gets an idea in her head and can’t let it go until she either does it or realizes it’s just not possible.

Anyone have a link to @torigerbig’s beach house in 30 A?

Anyone know what @blakelyshea is upset about?

Maybe it’s about what she shared right after this- the possible diagnosis. Maybe they are disagreeing on how to deal with that.

I think it was her in all the different mirrors from all the different angles. And yeah, the elevator made a strange AF noise.

Just once, it’d be nice if Daryl -Ann was able to get a word in edgewise with 2.0 jumping in and taking over. There’s plenty that bugs me about DA, but the one thing that bugs me by far about 2.0 is how she has to jump in and take over everything.

I remember her saying that he was the perfect husband in front of everyone else and when it was just her and him he would call her names and tell her she was a bad mom.

Does KarlieRae ever put a box for people to put their Venmo in? I feel like she and Alexabrown always forget that part… but I feel weird about dm’ing my Venmo to them for coffee.

I think he has a big kid bed. She made a big deal about how nice his room updo was.

I completely agree with that. Plus, since he wanted to go to school so bad (and I feel like they’ve discussed this with him prior to filming the surprise) why not plan something fun for him and his Texas friends and fly the San Francisco friends in to come along?

Agreed. I was so happy he got to see his friends though. I feel like that’s all he wanted in the first place really.

While I don’t agree with double buckling and all of that, I do typically like @sarah_lit. I felt so bad for her son yesterday because while she and Andy love surprises, I think her oldest prefers to not be surprised. But, I just saw where they had his best friends from San Francisco show up and surprise him and that was really sweet. I’m so glad they did that for them.

I had the flu at Christmas and didn’t leave my house for days. You couldn’t have dragged me out of the house day 2 for anything. Poor kiddo, she shouldn’t have to be tough and act happy

She’s been really bugging me lately with her need to control everything- she says “I” so damn much. And she never lets her kids be kids….very sad to me. Cameron isn’t Cece’s parent… it’s her and Rick’s responsibility to make sure CeCe is ready for the car, not Cam’s.

Does Taryn Newton having to control everything bug anyone else? She can’t ever let her kids just be kids, which is incredibly sad. And now she’s complaining about how her baby ended up in the car without shoes on, but she and Rick are the ones who had the baby, not anyone else…. I used to like her content but she’s just been bugging me lately.

When did they announce they are doing a podcast? I missed that somehow.

After reading your original post, my first thought was jealousy. You took her son from her in a sense, when you married him, and now that you have a child, the attention is even further removed from her. This is also evidenced by her getting upset over you going to see your grandfather- she’s not involved, no attention. Trust your instincts in not letting her watch him before you end up with a Gypsy Rose situation on your hands.

Talk to them without her around and tell them that the visits have stopped. And then stop letting her go with them and stop letting them in your house

I also received a delivery order the other day and it had a strong scent of whatever the person had in their car. Strawberry, I think. So yeah the scent will stay.

I worked with lady who was severely allergic to scents and perfumes like this. It’s a real allergy, she would break out at the slightest of contaminations. You’d be amazed at how scents cling to items you wouldn’t expect them to cling to.

I had a lady order one and the guy at Walgreens refused to sell it. Refused to unlock the cabinet even. The manager had to get involved. It was nuts.