And dude, you should post what printer filament etc you have, were all licking in the dark here

Holy smokes, this is the best one?! Did you ever get a passable one with your printer? Cause there might be a problem with it if they all look like this

Well, there's your problem. I'm not sure I'd trust anything brakes from Amazon 😳 I think it's just a spare one if you loose it

This is all crap... You got a problem you should fix before you consider a temp. Do other filaments look like this?

Hot the f should we know?! We don't even know what bike

I think its already called a gas station

Stimmt, der Hammer ist nicht gegen Absturz gesichert! Könnte also aus der Hand rutschen und jemand auf der Straße treffen

Wofür ist es denn? ETF, zweites Tagesgeld. Falls für einen speziellen Zeitpunkt, Festgeld.

So, in my country we pay 25 cent deposit on a bottle. One bottle is about 100 gramms (yes I measured 😆). So you'd need about 10 bottles for a kilo of filament. A bought 1kg spool is 20€. The DIY one has a cost of about 2.50€. Not including energy and the cost of your time.


Du hast doch eine Kündigungsbestätigung. Geh hin und sag denen die sollen sich mal *****. Fertig.

Und warum hast du Angst vor der Schufa?!

The fat boomers that buy them are dying out. And the image is stained. So they'll die with them. Simple.

!firstlayer especially the correct z offset

Haben wohl keine Kinder, eigentlich werden die Generationsweise weiter vererbt