Y’all need to talk to some girls

Let’s not pretend fat KAT or some French pussy named Rudy were a real obstacle.

There’s an order of operations to the off-season. You need to figure out what’s going to happen with Donovan and who your coach is before you decide what you’re going to do with DG or Jarrett. It’s not rocket science lol.

Help us Mavs, you’re our only hope… against seeing the Celtics win a ring.

It was at that moment he knew that the would be TOGETHAAAAA

She looks like a skinny Krystal Swift

I was a big Iverwatch guy so when they announced Overwatch 2 I preordered it for $40 then some point later they said that it would be a free to play game. All I got was like $10 worth of tokens to buy skins and shit. It still kisses me off.

At least Shaq has some redeeming qualities. Draymond is miserable as a player and an analyst. Nobody likes him.

If he’s fated to join Inside the NBA after he retires maybe the show should die after all

Only thing that’ll stop him is his conditioning. Being chubby in your mid 20s is okay but once youre chubby in your 30s you’ll be a shell of yourself.

Young players never succeed in their first couple playoff runs as the lead