I’ve never seen an evolution chart go that way. Writing, for sure, but not evolution.

Got my first boss pack thanks to this. Should be able to finish up this weekend or at least get close.

I have a few pics from 2004. Was a great day.

Chyna was the intercontinental champ and is much bigger. She was a true beast. Rhea is a much better performer, but Chyna could go hard.

Bro there is no vibe that tells me I’m spending more for basic needs. I don’t even blame the president for it because I understand there is a much broader picture, but don’t tell people the only thing they are feeling is vibes. There has definitely been improvement in the economy by most metrics, but that also goes in hand with some negatives that are hurting a large portion of Americans. We spend more for food (including toiletries and cleaning supplies), fuel, energy for the home and home and auto insurance. Due to the increase in fuel costs over the last few years other services now cost more to offset that for small businesses. There is a lot more going on than fucking Vibes.

Every competitive online game in general does. There is always something that works better than other things and people want to try and win.

I have been running my RedSox theme too. I have also been doing divisions for the TA and for fun of using guys I don’t know. Turns out, I suck with 99s AND 85s… lol

We won’t. It’s a done deal and he’s said as much.

Yeah, no. Avg player online is probably around 450. Your view is just skewed from Reddit and steamers.

Yeah I sell upon opening too. Have since the first time I saw a duplicate.

This is exactly my issue too. If I take 2-3 pitches I end up getting something to hit. Otherwise I’m golfing dirt sinkers or swiping at sliders 5 feet out of the zone. I have to make myself actually put the controller down and take the first pitch or two.

Yeah, go for it, but your results are atypical if you haven’t played online. You might do well, but you might get hosed for a few games until you get used to the way people play

Never even thought of trying coop, does it match you with someone if you don’t have a partner already in a group?

Despite the classics, like Zelda and Megaman 2… I spy a copy of Legenday Wings!! I loved that game!

I’m in the same boat. Lefty IRL, bat better with RH guys.

Nope. I’ll maybe watch a little of the cup finals, but usually I just switch gears to baseball full time.

Train of Thought, just never grabbed me and feels lifeless and forced.

Same, give me some Holy Smoke or some Afraid to Shoot Strangers or Tailgunner.

Yep, gamer dad here. I beat the second capstone last night at level 49 and no specialized gear. I don’t even have gems in my stuff. I only died once to one of the frost cannibals because I wasn’t paying attention.