Before you clear two camps? Hell, if dragon lane could not feed over a double before I finished my first camp, I’d be ecstatic.

They may have a particularly high facility with language without necessarily being a prodigy. There are definitely some children who learn to read, and read well, at an early age. There are some who have delays in even their spoken language. One of my daughter’s (5) friends has some verbal language delay, but he texts with his dad using his tablet, whereas reading and sounding out words is still pretty effortful for my daughter.

For “FBI Agent” it depends on whether you are pronouncing the letters of the acronym or saying the words they represent. A/an is a phonological rule, not some schoolmarm grammarian’s pet peeve, so it tends to rather intuitively always follow the rule of being expressed as “an” whenever there is a following vowel sound. Crucially, however, this means that the rule operates based on spoken/heard sounds, not written, so spelling is not a reliable method of knowing when to use “a” or “an”.

With the whole acronym thing, I find that people tend to differ in whether they pronounce the letters or the words for some acronyms, so at the end of the day it’s a judgment call in written English (but will be unambiguous in spoken English).

At the end of the day, if your teammates won’t respond to what you do in lane or what you are hoping they will do, you need to pick champs that are more self-sufficient. Something that will supply enough CC and damage to potentially 1v1 the enemy laner in case your laner does not respond. Shyvana doesn’t have much kill pressure early unless the enemy laners are right up under your team’s towers. I would not recommend Lee Sin unless your mechanics are good, but Xin Zhao is a good healthy jungler with a simple kit who can duel and kill an enemy laner if he catches them out. Maybe try some games with him? And in your games, at the end of the day, you need to adapt to what your teammates are actually doing instead of what you want them to do, even if you are pinging the correct play. That might mean you need to give up more objectives and ganks, but it’s better than dying alone while your ADC farms Krugs.

Rand in a box is a GIGANTIC event that shapes his approach to everyone around him for the rest of the series. If there was anything to not cut, it would be Rand’s capture and rescue.

Given that the choice is between something that will make the truffles always iridium, and a different job that will reveal the location of forageable items (which you say is not worth doing)…then what exactly are you griping about? If no one should bother foraging, then knowing those locations is still not more worthwhile than Botanist. It’s not like they are choosing between Botanist and something unrelated to foraging.

While I’m a fan of the show as well (and a long-time reader and re-reader of the books), and I agree with everything you said, that exact reasoning is why it can rankle so much that they spend so much time on characters that are NOT the EF5, and sometimes I think the show holds to “show, don’t tell” a little too tightly, where some things could be more efficiently explained through some quick exposition.

It’s interesting, but the sample size is more than small enough that their results aren’t generalizable. I don’t know why they even went so far as to suggest that it is a feature of a subset of autistic people; the significance of their results is driven by a few participants, yes, but that could be a result of the participant pool. Seeing something like this is interesting though, particularly when it uses empirical methods to corroborate existing attitudes. I’d love to see the study expanded, and it would be interesting to see if the result holds cross-linguistically, particularly in languages with more or less pronounced nasality in their phonetic inventories. If the results held even in different linguistic environments, then you could begin exploring potential mechanisms. Cool link, thanks for sharing!

Their chili crunches have been great. I never got to try the Mala Spice Mix but I was wanting to.

Okay but Goth Druid Leah low-key slaps??

Ugh, I feel that. Had to turn our car around midway through a multi-hour trip to see my family because my daughter got sick. Had to cancel a beach trip due to her getting RSV when she was 2 I think? Sorry about your plans brother, hopefully y’all are able to find the fun!

Upcoming social function you don’t want to attend? “Sorry, Timmy is sick/has a recital/has sportsball practice/etc.”

I don’t play Kindred, but I’m a Vi one trick and play jungle every game I can unless filled. Ganking is thought of as the jungler’s job, but you really need to shift your mentality. Ganking is just a thing you do to punish enemies that are out of position and when you have opportunity. In your experience as a mid main, ganking should have been something you practiced because mid has the second-most opportunity after the jungler. But the jungler does move about the map the most, and generally has the benefit of being largely unseen, so ganking is something that the jungler has the opportunity to take advantage of very frequently.

I don’t know what to assume in terms of your general skill at Wild Rift. From what you posted, it sounds like you ward, but it wasn’t clear if you use wards or sweeper when jungling. While you learn the role, I would recommend using what you usually use and not trying to change too many things at once. But if you do not use the sweeping lens trinket, you do have to bear in mind that the enemy laners are likely to see you approach the lane. This will make them (usually) fall back and play passively, because they (usually) don’t want to die and (usually) respect the threat that you represent. If this happens, you should not stick around and try to force something except in fairly specific circumstances. So what should you be doing, then?

Farm your jungle. You do not have a lane full of minions slowly funneling gold into your pockets. Junglers have to get out there and find their gold. Remember when I said you have to shift your mindset a bit with ganking? This is the other side of that coin. Just as ganking is something you when you have the opportunity, farming is what you do between opportunities. You won’t (usually) have an enemy jungler in your face, so while you clear out camps that can barely fight back, you should be spending your time looking at your map and thinking about where you need to go next. And ideally that next destination will have camps along the way for you to farm. If you spend the whole match running around putting out your laners’ fires, you will very quickly find you are poor as hell and unable to influence the match unless you got the good fortune to have decent laners who can actually carry. Your job is to fill out the 5th slot on the team, and to get there, you need to clear your camps consistently so that you have enough items and power to contribute to game-winning fights. Yes, you have smite, and yes, that means you are the priority when it comes to neutral objectives, but you need to stop thinking of dragon and herald as “jungler objectives” and more as “team objectives that the jungler has the best chance of securing”. Prep vision, ping allies, do your job in that sense, but don’t let your lazy-ass laners off the hook. They get minions full of gold trundling toward them all game long. When they shove a wave in, they also bear a share of the responsibility to keep things warded or to ping if doing an objective is dangerous.

Sorry for rambling but I saw a lot of beginner misconceptions in your post. If you have specific questions I am happy to give more detail. There are a million exceptions to what I wrote, but basics first.

More likely that the advantage granted by map hacking is more than significant enough to overcome that micro.

Speaking as someone who knows absolutely nothing about these games, what’s the reason for skipping the first one? Do you need to read anything to catch up before starting the second one?

Ah yes, the meme is clearly way off-base then.

I have ADHD and am autistic myself. Guess what has a high comorbidity with ADHD due to similarity of symptoms? Depression and anxiety. It might be more accurate in this case to simply say “neurodivergent” since neither you nor I are in a position to give a clinical diagnosis to this person. But symptoms of ADHD can absolutely be similar to symptoms of depression, especially when overstimulation begins leading to burnout. It’s wild reading the comment chain here with multiple Redditors straight up ignoring the fact that this person has seen a healthcare professional and received specific diagnoses, and are instead relying on their own understanding of a nuanced issue.

You know what? It might be depression. Dad here might have undiagnosed depression because medication management and coping strategies have controlled the symptoms. But it could also be his ADHD and anxiety being overwhelmed by having a child, which we all know can be…well, overwhelming. He says he has an appointment for therapy on the books. He ostensibly sees someone for medication management. Maybe instead of telling him he’s wrong, we should leave it to the pros and be glad that he’s seeing mental health professionals instead of just shoving everything down and ignoring it until a crisis like previous generations have been wont to do.

I just don’t know why a (good) Yi would use it though when they can hold it for your one CC ability. It becomes a game of “who uses their ability first,” and in that game I’ll take Yi’s true damage double strike autos over Irelia.

I could see a good Yi giving Irelia issues since her only CC is telegraphed. If he dodges that with alpha strike and is ulting to remove movement speed and attack speed slows, then what is Irelia supposed to do? I hate playing against Yi even when I’m ahead as a Vi one trick, because even if I can duel him with two ways to apply CC, if he gets just a tiny bit of backup he wins. If he avoids me to get fed off of my teammates he wins. Yi is the quintessential “CC him or you lose” champion.

The rise of rage bait for engagement is just…I dunno. I think the Matrix may have been right when they said the late 90s were the peak of human civilization.

Didn’t bother clearing the shroom, had it in vision, and also crucially kited the herald into the shroom after hovering to the opposite side the whole clip. Typical my team ADC

I associate hair color and tattoos with alternative, not “woke”. There’s more overlap with tattoos and such on the left, but what the commenters above are talking about has more to do with sociopolitical ideology.