Was looking for this one, I’ve never seen something more unsettling and upsetting in any film.

You look amazing brother, how’d you get your abs more defined? Almost finished with my cut and mine are looking like your first picture.

Egg On The Conker

Pretty sure It’s a copypasta of some user on the game of thrones subreddit talking about his reaction to Janos Slynts death, where he says “I was like ‘yes!’”

I (24M) don’t know if ending things with her (22F) is the right choice.

I met this girl at work a little over a month ago. A co-worker eventually told me that she had a thing for me, so I made a move and we began talking. At this point we’ve only been talking for a month. In truth, I have never felt more wanted romantically by anyone in my life. She’s constantly complimenting me, she can hold conversation extremely well, and her love language is the same as mine (physical touch).

Despite this, there have been a few times in the month we’ve talked where she has spontaneously ended things with me without reason or explanation, only to call me back thirty minutes later crying and begging me to reconsider, all while promising that it was a one time thing and a lapse of judgement. When I ask why she goes straight to ending things with me instead of talking with me, she straight up admitted that she likes the attention she gets from me when she does it. This has happened three times. I’ve plead with her to simply communicate her feelings with me in times like this, but her response is always that she is a “bad communicator”, and I should accept this about her.

A couple of hours ago she texted me out of nowhere saying she didn’t feel the spark between us that she once did, and then said she had stronger feelings for someone else that I’d never even heard of or known about. I was heartbroken but I simply told her okay and good luck with everything. That’s when she decided to tell me she was joking. She was referring to a member of BTS (and band she loves), and didn’t mean any of it. She just wanted to mess with me.

I told her that what she did upset me, to which she replies that if I don’t want to deal with that then we should reconsider if we should continue forward with each other, and that we should take a few days apart to think about it. I protested, saying I don’t think this issue requires days of no contact, I simply want her to stop messing with my emotions. She disagreed and demanded a a few days for us both to “think”.

I feel like it’s unfair that I’ve been patient and willing to communicate with her, all while she spontaneously dangles the idea of separating over my head, or “pranks” me by convincing me she’s leaving. I’m not sure what to think but I know I can’t live like this. Should I just cut things off while it’s fairly fresh?

TLDR - The girl I’ve been dating for a month keeps randomly saying she wants to separate, then changing her mind shortly after. She then “pranked” me by joking saying she wants to separate again, and is suggesting time apart because I’m upset about it. Should I cut things off?

It still makes my blood run thin to remember what you are to him

Edmure is single handedly responsible for Robb’s death

I was gonna say Salo but… there’s some sick people out there so I can’t say for sure 😂

In The Big Lebowski where John Goodman spreads Steve Buscemi’s ashes and the wind blows it immediately back into his own face, had me on the floor for at least 15 minutes

There is no such thing as “my truth” and “your truth”. There is only THE truth.Unpopular in Media

It drives me insane when people try to spin a story or sway others by speaking “their truth”, and then tell a loose/incomplete version of whatever event took place. The definition of the word truth is “conformity to fact or actuality”. There is nothing subjective about truth. That’s not to imply that people can’t have different perspectives on things that happen - I completely understand and agree with that. However, in the end, what happens is what happens and should always be dealt with as such. A prime example are videos of people either accusing others of some kind of inappropriate conduct or responding to said accusations. In almost every single one there will be a massive lack of accountability and they will instead justify the entire situation by blurring the lines between what really happened and what they perceived, or something like that.


Subjective truths are not a thing. The truth is one, objective reality that no one can change.

Pig. A Nicholas Cage movie about a man who goes looking for his stolen pig sounds like a poor man’s John Wick, but it was a shockingly mature and deep character study about grief and loss.

Jim Carrey.

It frustrates me because he has some serious talent, a perfect example being Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind where he puts on an incredible performance of a complex dramatic character. Unfortunately though he mostly just does “goo goo ga ga I can make funny faces” humor, which people love for some reason.

Fed up with incompetent leadershipWorkplace Question or Advice Needed

In June of this year I put in a request for a leave of absence of three weeks, for July 3rd-July 24th, as I had to drive from CA to SD for some family matters. I meet with HR about it and get it approved, at which point HR informs me that I will be locked out of the myTime app while on the LOA, and that they would call me a week before my next scheduled shift informing me of the day and time.

The week prior to my LOA beginning, I get scheduled 0 hours total. However, the first week of my LOA shows I’m scheduled 32 hours. I text my team lead to inform him and he replies that it’s my responsibility to get those shifts taken or to call out of them.

Fast forward to about 2 and a half weeks into my 3 week LOA, still no call from HR. My store is infamous for NEVER picking up phone calls unless it’s guest service or electronics. I try calling 17 times total in 3 days, only for it to ring through or go to guest service/electronics, where they will transfer me to an ETL or HR, where it will ring through and hang up on me. I text my TL on Wednesday of that week if he could tell me when my next scheduled shift is. He doesn’t reply until 3:30am on Friday that my next scheduled shifts are later that same Friday (the day he texted me back) at 10am and the following Saturday at 1pm. The issue with this is my approved availability is every day of the week besides Fridays and Saturdays, which I have off. I inform him of this and he doesn’t reply. According to a co worker he told everyone I no call no showed both days.

Finally, he texts me telling me my next shift is another WEEK from today.

TLDR: My 3 week unpaid leave turned into a 6 week unpaid leave because no one could be bothered to check my availability or communicate with me like they said they would. I have bills to pay and their incompetence is costing me pay. Seriously reaching my limit with this place.


Why didn’t ler bring an umbrella? Is he stupid?

Surprised no one said Janos Slynt, dude was the beginning of the end for Ned

Personally, I hate DS2. It had a completely different director, and the overall feel and vibe of the game is very different. Same with he controls, they're even clunkier somehow. Also the lore is completely separate from DS1 and DS3 for the most part. Essentially feels more like a "souls like" game to me than an actual souls game. Some people love it though, to each their own. I love DS3 though.