our adversity to baldness is becoming ridiculous.

I mean it makes most people look pretty ugly

get fucked sour bitch

England making QF? Lol maybe..

sure the Orange Order do a few marches if that bother you

Yeah sounds like a totally nice area..

Only morons don't walk away from fights when possible any guys who fight to "protect their woman's pride" or their ego. People literally die from street fights and whether you're the dead party or the one doing the killing this is not a good thing.

The only reason anyone, trained or not someone should fight is in self defence. Anything else and you're risking your life or freedom for ego.

If only there was something he could do to get out of Mountjoy...

That's the problem with not only Ristorante but also the whole series, there's never any real trauma or loss. No one dies, no one loses anything and it all works out perfectly in the end.

If anyone ever messages I assume they're in their feelings and therefore a nerd so GGs I guess

If anyone ever messages I assume they're in their feelings and therefore a nerd so GGs I guess

NTA but Jesus man get over it. What a thing to get in your feelings over, sounds like you don't really like/love your wife so I guess it's over either way

Nah fuck you I am NOT an elder millennial, I feel like she just said elder and then included every year of millennials? Lmao

It's a honest mistake..

That doesn't mean it was consensual? How are people still not getting consent??? Did she consent? If the answer is no then it's nonconsensual.. it's not hard people

Hes a man of the people

So weird in my country being a man of the people is never associated with an out of touch silver spoon rich person, you people sure are interesting

This is what incels think that have never slept with a virgin, virgins are (not surprisingly) bad in bed. As long as you're not insecure about your dick size or sexual abilities you always want a more experienced sexual partner. Silly incels

get fucked sour bitch

I would kill to see that version of Dustin against Khabib Nurmagomedov in their original fight. I would give Dustin a good chance

Oh buddy..

YTA 100% also convinced there was more to this than "struggled a bit financially" drove your wife and daughter away, common denominator and all that

get fucked sour bitch

Nah it's pretty fun. It's the same as most vices, weed, alcohol, sex can all be addictive and destructive when done past moderation just like gambling can enhance an experience when done in moderation.

The person your partner cheated with did not betray you, your partner betrayed you. The person your partner cheated with never said they loved you, they'd stay faithful to you and take care of you. Your husband's the piece of shit be angry with him.

I love the idiots who dip as soon as they're rocked, instant uppercut KO beautiful