The ten commandments are pretty damn basic. Moses may have been the Jordan Peterson of his time in that he just repackaged basic shit and called it profound and people devoid of basic logic confused it with something profound.

Morality isn't based on following a list of rules, it's based on behaviors with peaceful outcomes...

Oh. I see. I think a lot of people share that desire for a lifelong partnership. :)

You're not likely to find someone who thinks exactly what you think, and you're likely to find that you're not right about everything anyways because none of us is. Sound like you're kind of robbing yourself of potential connection by letting perfection be the enemy of great.


Seems there are more lonely people now, in my limited experience. People don't even get together to the same extent that they did before 2019... You've benefited from the way things are now, so you support the status quo, that's understandable.

Your assumptions are incorrect, and better is subjective. Seems to me it's better for a few, and worse for most.

People met on a regular basis at third places. They got to know people and were introduced through friends. Relationships generally had sturdier foundations.

There's no video that's going to tell you hinge etc have more to gain by mismatching than matching, that's up for you to decide.

Remember, there are two types of people: those who can arrive at a logical and rational conclusion with incomplete data, and

Absolutely. Takes two people willing to grow together.

Cambridge Analytica - What We Do (

This company did this for different applications, ie to political ends, but the video does a decent job of illustrating analytical capabilities when coupled with machine learning, which is now a ubiquitous practice in data analysis and management used in many common businesses and apps.

For sure, but generally speaking we don't get to know nearly as many people as folks used to. We don't talk to strangers anymore, we don't see the same people on a regular basis outside of home and work. It's become increasingly difficult to meet strangers, let alone meet partners through friendships, and a lot of that is because in large part we've traded our "third places" for safe cyber spaces and otherwise stick to our established tiny bubbles.

Smort take bro... /s

Tinder is probably the one that collects the least amount of data because it's a hookup app... the whole point of it is people looking for short term engagement so they'll be back...

I'm talking about apps like Hinge, Bumble, Match etc....

You would be wise to learn about data collection and how data is used to target demographics with specific messaging, as it's kind of the entire engine behind the modern world at the moment...

All's fair in love and war.


And instead, so many just blame each other for our loneliness and lean further into our cyber space echo chambers where we're only going to find more of the same.

I wish we could normalize talking to strangers again IRL for the mere fun of it.

I didn't introduce that terminology to the discussion.

Yeah... Pretty appealing to be honest.

Yes and no. We used to have central places (also known as a Third place) where people in town met on a regular basis and learned who they could trust. We'd meet more people organically as a result. Church, the bar, the barber shop, the general store, all brought the same relatively small group of people together on a regular basis, but it's all decentralized corporate no man's land now, and people don't trust each other because they rarely interact on a regular consistent basis, and people don't meet because everyone's interests are all over the place, because we no longer have that third place besides work and home where we interact with other people consistently that are outside our immediate circles. So, it takes more effort to find our people, and we're still not very good at it under these new information age circumstances IMO, or at least I'm not. Seems we traded our third places for cyber spaces and it sucks.

Everyone in town used to get together for dances and festivals, and strangers used to feel comfortable talking to each other. Things are just different. The peas have just moved around the plate.