
You’ll need some adapters (Type 2 to NACS and CCS2 to NACS) and a Type 2 cable if you want to charge anywhere. You should also make sure your car is actually legal in the EU. It hopefully is, but we have some requirements (e.g amber turn signals).

I can’t speak specifically to France, but unless you have a private parking spot or a shared lot with available EVSEs, you’ll likely have to rely on public charging. Infrastructure is pretty decent however, so that shouldn’t be too bad. I rely fully on public charging, charging when at university, and when I’m finished, I’ll be able to charge at work.

Fortunately, most public AC charging in Europe is 22 kW (32A 3 phase) so you should have some 7.3 kW available for charging. Make sure your Type 2 cable is intended for 32A (many are only intended for 16A (for people with 11 kW EVs), as your Tesla can only do 1 phase.

You should also be aware that many public AC EVSEs have two connectors, so it might only do 32A when only 1 EV is connected. If two are connected it might split 16A/16A.

You may also want to explore how you’re going to deal with the mobile connection for navigation, music etc.

Left-sided UC Diagnosed 2013

I’m on Filgotinib (Jyseleca) which, similarly to Rinvoq is a selective JAK inhibitor. It was also the first med in many years that finally put me in remission. I’ve not had any infections or otherwise since I started in October, so can’t relate there. With that said, you may want to speak with your doctor about your illnesses and see if there is something to be done. Likely little to do except stop the med though. If that’s the case you’ll have to determine whether the possible return to flaring is worth the infections. To further muddy this choice is that you have likely been on most treatments already without success. I’m guessing you’ve been on the various types of biologics and now a JAK inhibitor. How about S1P antagonists like Ozanimod or Estramod?

If no med works, and you don’t want to deal with the infections then perhaps look into surgery?

Only you can determine what’s right for you.

Also just a short note, Rinvoq is not a biologic. Biologics are produced from living organisms, are liquid so taken by infusion or injection and the drug name with end in -mab. I mention this because it might avoid some confusion when discussing with your GI.

Left-sided UC Diagnosed 2013

Just wanted to say my experience is the same. Been on Sulfasalazine since 2015, and in that time I’ve been on Azathioprine, Infliximab, Vedolizumab, Ustekinumab and now Filgotinib (which is what finally put me in remission). May stop it soonish though given its potential impact (reversible) on male fertility.

Opel Corsa-e 2021

When AC/slow charging, I never stay. This is how you charge at home, overnight, at work etc. For DC/fast charging you still don’t need to stay with your EV, as long as you plan on leaving or at least moving your vehicles when it’s done charging after ~ 30 minutes. That said, I sometimes stay with my EV during DC charging sessions simply because I almost only use them when on longer trips, often at rest stops. After using the bathroom, getting food or whatever, my car is usually more comfortable to sit and chill in than elsewhere. In nice weather I’ll be outside enjoying the picnic area that is common at rest stops, usually next to the chargers.

Tl;dr: no, you do not need to stay with the car.

Opel Corsa-e 2021

Assuming they have the same connector (and they should unless you’re doing some weird import), yes.

Oh true, didn’t even consider that. Wonder how that’ll play out. Does Florida allow felons to vote if not incarcerated?

AFAIK New York only limits voting of felons to those incarcerated. So, as of right now, he is still allowed to vote.

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Count 34: GUILTY

When the blue bar above is full (5/5 or greater where it currently says 3/5)

This is the bit they did about blaming Cohen, saying “My lawyer made me do it”?

Even more stupid is Opel generational naming scheme (or maybe just their naming of their electric vehicles). They use letters to denote model generations so first gen was Opel Corsa A, then Corsa B and so forth. Then came the electric Corsa called Corsa-e but it’s the Corsa F generation. So when looking online for anything about the Corsa-e you’ll be wading through stuff about the Corsa E which is a previous generation.

Left-sided UC Diagnosed 2013

Well, yes but my point was more that while its fine for me and many others, it might or might not be fine for you. You’ll have to try, but red meat is definitely not a universally bad food for people with UC.

Left-sided UC Diagnosed 2013

I’ve never had an issue with red meat.

The thing with food and UC is that it is very individual. No one restriction fits all. There are some common ones that affect a larger section of UC people (alcohol, coffee, and gluten I think). My cousin can’t look at bread without getting symptoms, but I’ve never had an issue with it even when in a bad flare. I can’t do coffee even in remission, but that’s one of my only dietary restriction. When in a bad flare, chicken seems to have an impact on me, which is rare as it is often many people’s safe meat but alas. Try out different stuff and eliminate what affects you and enjoy the rest.

With all that said, I’m not sure what in red meat might affect some folks but I doubt it would have the same effect in bone broth as that is cooked through and through.

Opel Corsa-e 2021

I’d also assume it’d be different in NA because you have household power as single/split phase whereas most of Europe has household power as three phase.

Left-sided UC Diagnosed 2013

Yeah, if a suppository could move the uterus to impact fertility, imagine the impact of a BM.

Opel Corsa-e 2021

I don’t necessarily disagree about your last point, but it’s not realistic. However, you should look intosecond life use of batteries, and why current batteries are being recycled at a relatively low rate currently (price and technology readiness).

I’d also point out that until we can do 100% renewable, it definitely IS better to exchange one source of NRE with another if emissions are lower (e.g. through higher efficiency).

While it’s true that if everyone had an EV and started charging at the same time it would break the grid, that is not a practical reality. Technically it’s possible, but would never happen in reality. The grid can handle EV power demand through expansion and improvement or through smarter charging (e.g. central control of charging based on local areas with consumer control of minimum SoC and required time for EV to be ready). V2X technology is getting ready to launch more large scale in the next couple years which can provide benefits such as peak shaving, actually improving grid reliability.

Mining and production process is dirty, no arguments there but when looking at it for vehicle lifetime an EV comes to about half total lifetime emissions of a comparative EV. This number is based on no battery recycling and the electricity mix of Italy. People seem to forget that getting oil refined to the level required for car fuel and getting it transported to gas stations also takes large amounts of energy.

Lastly, EVs are not only better from an emissions standpoint, and I usually never argue that when people talk about being against EVs. They are better for health with no carbon emissions on street level (as emissions are centralised mostly outside population areas), there’s much less particulate matter such as brake dust due to regen, there’s much less noise pollution, they are cheaper to maintain and generally lower TCOO, and lastly, they’re fun to drive.

Left-sided UC Diagnosed 2013

Never done anything for me:/

Opel Corsa-e 2021

Interesting (and expensive). In Denmark you pay for the grid connection (about 240 EUR/A) once and then the rest is tied to consumption. I guess (or hope) you pay less TSO/DSO fees for consumption then .

Opel Corsa-e 2021

It could do 43 kW (63A 3 phases)

My question here though is: you pay a yearly fee for a certain grid connection?

Morse code works for the Latin alphabet and Arabic numerals. You can spell whatever you want in whatever language you want using morse code, as long as it uses the Latin alphabet and Arabic numerals.

• - • • • - - • (LEG) when written in English means “leg” 🦵. When written in a Danish context it means “play”.

Also, when people say sign language, that often only means ASL if you’re in America. If I say sign language in Denmark I’m referring to Dansk Tegnsprog (Danish sign language), unless the context requires further clarification.

I wasn’t registered there until I applied for my ID card some 5 years ago, but it might also just not have been standard or existing when I got my citizenship (at birth but born and raised outside Italy).

It’s basically only the US that has taxation based on citizenship and not residence.

If you have your citizenship and passport you should be all good. If you wish you can get your ID card (CIE) but it won’t really do anything your passport can’t except fit in a wallet.

I assume you’re registered in AIRE, the register for Italian citizens who reside outside Italy? Should be registered when you got your citizenship but it isn’t always so. You may also want to get your codice fiscale officially, if you haven’t already, but that is also not really a necessity unless you intend to move to Italy (and if so you can just get it then).