Broccoli. She's passed now but used to climb up on your shoulder like a parrot and eat it at the table

They're not called second jobs anymore, I believe side hustle is the new term

Try KNK or one of the bigger aluminum joinery companies.

The free ones from Mobil in the eighties

I bet that stadium reeks of released wind

I'm between at the moment, benefits are I can make bread, vacuum and drop the kids at the bus ❤️

I'm 44 and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. Qualify in something so you can make decent coin until you figure it out. Hell, I'd rather be me than stuck in a cubicle for the last 25 years.

And this is why I have left the trades

As a 44 year old with a 14, an 11 and a 2.5 year old, I can confirm

Septic tank cleaning "Yesterday's Meals on Wheels"

Whatever you do, the client won't want to pay to get it done properly.