Are you mad about the other dozen or so 2nd rounders that do that every year or just Bronny? Should their agents be banned also?

:lal-2: Lakers

Averaged 26 points, 7 boards, 8 assists last season.

95% of the league would kill to be that washed

:lal-2: Lakers

That’s fair and you’re right. I’m kinda out of line here cause yeah we could say that about every single topic in sports. Good call

:lal-2: Lakers

No you miss my point. His experience as a talking head means almost nothing. (Maybe slight benefit when it comes to handling media as a coach) It’s absolutely his playing career under a variety of coaches and his understanding of the game that had teams considering him a candidate.

:lal-2: Lakers

Genuine question: (not being snarky) why??

Why let something so inconsequential frustrate you? If people don’t criticize someone I think is worthy of criticism - unless it has a direct impact on me (for example someone victimized me or a loved one) or is criminal or something, why does it matter at all?

:lal-2: Lakers

Do you think that being a talking head is the relevant part of JJs work experience?

Pop also never played basketball at a high level.

Edit: my point is two hall of fame coaches did it two very deffierent ways, neither with much nba coaching experience. Maybe that’s not the predictor for success that we think it is?

:lal-2: Lakers

What were your feelings on the hirings of Gregg Popovich and Steve Kerr?

Outraged that Pop - GM at the time- hired himself despite limited nba coaching experience?

Outraged the Warriors hired Kerr despite lack of nba coaching experience?


Having your knight on d4 looks so powerful with all of those looming forks, especially with the bishop protecting it. Enough so that I would be tempted to sacrifice the rook and go for it. In a game though I doubt I’d have the guts without any clear calculation leading to material gain.

:lal-2: Lakers

Its pretty much the story for everyone drafted late 2nd round.

This whole week has been people posting things about Bronny that are true of every other 2nd round draft pick and people losing their minds with hate about it. Its so bizarre.

:lal-2: Lakers

He’s simply not a NBA-level basketball player anymore

What?? I admit I didn't watch a ton of Warriors last year so maybe I'm just behind, but this feels like a monumental exaggeration.

That goes both ways though.

There were some players drafted last week with very weak resumes to this point who haven’t shown anywhere near nba talent yet. AJ Johnson is one great example and he went in the 1st round.

No one is sitting here talking about how they didn’t deserve to be drafted or waiting for a poor summer league performance, salivating at the mouth for a chance to crap all over them.

Of course Bronny being Lebrons son is why he was drafted. But the hate and downplaying of his potential/ability has gone so far beyond what is reasonable.

:lal-2: Lakers

Its a make or miss league

:lal-2: Lakers

Every gm, coach and teammate that’s ever spoken about it has said lebron was hands off and let the front office make decisions.

But yeah you all just actively choose to not believe it. Yall are weird.

Referring to being in someone's prep and out of your own prep, where you are essentially against stockfish. He had some earlier games - I wanna say against Fabi? - where the games went deep into his opponents prep.