I'm lucky enough to be permanent. But some folks are in places where Loblaws (at least one of its subsidiaries) have a quite literal stranglehold on folks by being the only option. But those that are able to boycott ad infinitem make up for folks who want (but can't) join, imo.

Yup. December is ALWAYS a big one for food chains. I'd vote that one, personally. They REALLY rely on those end of year bumps for their Q4 showings. It's harder to spin the end of year loses as well.

My wife and I joke all the time about how we'd have to "roll" our boycotting because our only other real options are Walmart, Sobeys, and Costco. 😂

In many places, they actually own their supplier, so those places might have also seen shifting to maintain a status quo. But I'm just speculating.

Yup. I never went very often before, and I'm privileged with options, so I never went back.

Not TOO discouraging. They have likely made sweeping changes (from firing people or closing stores all the way down to changing the way they report earnings). It's just proof that ANOTHER planned scheduled boycott needs to be pushed for. Of COURSE, a company this size can handle a month's dip in sales. The energy of this show of solidarity should just be the BEGINNING of folks making their presence known. Let's do it again and for LONGER.

(Millennial here) Like most things, it's about moderation. Wanting to be a better version of yourself in intrinsic to being human but if you find yourself hurting your financial stability by spending much needed cash on $5000 trips to see attend seminars or frantically following social media personalities - you're likely not being productive to yourself. Some folks spend their whole lives figuring out the line between "wanting to be a better you" vs. "wanting to live an imaginary person's life."

As a non American, there aren't apparently many upsides to voting Biden in, but the DOWNSIDES to voting in Trump are nearing existential in proportion. It's not "voting for the lesser of two evils" - it's more "voting for a human vs voting for the morally grotesque corporate fuck puppet." At least Biden seems to have SOME altruistic intentions despite being beholden to donors. Unless the corporate ownership of politicians gets solved in the next year, he seems the only sane choice by any critically thinking human being. And ALL of this is true even for those with heavy religiously bigoted opinions who claim to hate basic forms of "inclusion." He's objectively worse. Is he old and corrupt? Yeah, probably. But at least he's not old, corrupt, AND dumb enough to let christian fascists completely rewrite the basic constitution of the nation right under his dumbfounded nose. I don't think Trump himself understands the implications of his own election because he's so detached from reality.

If it even is him, I'm not sure he'd be lying. Project 2025 is a devious plan, and that bloated cheezie isn't planning shit. He just makes the perfect sock puppet. He's an actual idiot conman.

I'd be willing to bet, given the number of dems getting corporate kickbacks, it's a plan that not only republicans are a party to. It just gives more power to corporate politicians. As long as the one in power is bought, this project helps them rule over what's most important - the christian dollar.

Conservatives are paying his bills. It's all a part of the game he's playing - getting paid.

They misspelled "most."

Just accepting the Orwellian hellscape our world is sliding into and trying to face each day with any shred of hope. 😬

Can't even get rid of it when I try with all my will. It just hangs in there. 😬

Some folks would choose not to believe it regardless of the proof, while some others would start blindly worshipping them like they do everything else. But most folks wouldn't change at all. Not at first, and especially so if we can't interact with them in any meaningful way.

Raising your kids to be as maliciously ignorant as you were.

Nah. Reputations or aspirations are no longer contingent on sexual history. That's a dying consideration. It's perpetrated only by horny and possessive young men. Not a single mature functioning adult gives even a single fuck how, when, or why you showed your tits or how many dicks you've ridden - employers included (with the obvious exception of mascot jobs).

Defend your friend and explain why. Give them a chance to apologize. If the person you respect is insulted, defiant, or dismissive of your opinion, then they should no longer be someone you respect.

This smacks of the opinion of someone who has never actually gotten to know other people in the real world on a deeply interpersonal level. Human relationships can go far beyond just sexually transactional - you just have to stop treating them as such. This comes across as an "I'm horny and nobody cares" kinda post.

This is one of those naturally spiritual experiences that comes with a pair of ruined underwear. 😦

I'm sure the trillions saved will be spent effectively. 🤦‍♂️

So full of runes they pouring out its eyes. ♥️🤘