Are people actually just realising this in Season 4 ??

Because her sticking plaster just fell off into a sandwich.

Do you just instantly believe everything you read on the internet ?

I went to Werribee the other week for the first time and really enjoyed it. Melbourne zoo has a greater variety of animals if you wanted to see a certain one. On day I went it was cold but sun was out so a lot of the animals were out sunning themselves. I think winter is a better time to go as less crowded. If you are taking kids they might like the dinosaur encounter on at Werribee for a bit longer.

It does feel wrong but I had to bin dozens and dozens of old paperbacks last time I moved. Gave to op shops/ sold all I could but still had to throw away a lot.

My street has just received its new "Green" bin for food scraps and garden waste to add to the other 3 bins. Another one like the Glass one that I never have to put out.

On the flip side if you post even something mildly controversial or not the current zeitgeist or may upset someones fee-fees your post gets removed.

To put this into perspective, the UK Prime Minister has a salary of $317,000

I was there in 1985 and walking back to hotel with my girlfriend holding hands. A couple of cops stopped us and told us this was illegal and then made it pretty clear they wanted a bribe of some sort. Luckily I had a crappy old bic lighter on me that was actually valuable as it had the word Harrods on it in gold (I picked it up off the floor at a party) - they happily accepted that and we trotted off.

Of all the animals that can kill you in Australia, kangaroos are pretty much at the bottom.

Uh oh Killary had a word.

So a Big Mac has gone up $1.63 in 1 year and $5.61 in 50 years. Kind of says it all really.

I know what you mean but "two solo" sounds funny.

Preferable to the bus I had to catch the other day that smelt like piss.

I went to Werribee zoo (cheetah encounter first and then the rest) and it was beautiful day. Lovely seeing so many animals enjoying the sunshine. My first time to this zoo, was very impressed at how well the animals are looked after - they pretty much all have heated sleeping pads!