Okay ? That doesn’t disprove anything I said. Juice came out in 1992. His mother being a revolutionary further proves my point, you really think a Black Panther would raise a gangbanger ? If you do then you clearly don’t know what the Panthers were about. You clown ass motherfuckers don’t even know what yall talking about.

What you mean ? You talking about how Pac became a gangster rapper after being in Juice ? Or how he went to a performing arts school and grew up a good kid ? Or the fact that he’s not actually from LA and only adopted the culture to sell records ? You couldn’t possibly be hinting at any of this.

Need a mod that lets me lower my weapon faster after shooting f

I solo queued the first few days. I was doing well, but not winning. Xbox has a finding game feature so I used that and partied up with some good players. Maybe try discord to find some guys to run with, it improves the experience a lot.

Like going into the menu and hitting leave ? But no we 6 stack with good players, we throw our bodies at the objective in occupy and do callouts team play on this game is really powerful.

Guy I run with is on a 150 streak. I was on a 78 then my game crashed lol

If it does last you have to eat a jeans jacket on camera

Sounds like a glitch people are passing off as a “skill” exploiting broken mechanics is what it is.

Spam hopping isn’t even a skill. Dudes just spamming the jump button. There’s no real thought behind it.

I work 40+ hours a week. I don’t need or want some hardcore experience. I want run and shoot gun.

Why do you care what other people think ? If they enjoy the game let them be.

Seen this play out time and time again. Game badly needs work, but there will always be a bootlicker telling you everything is fine because a YouTuber said so. lol

This false bravado of “skill issue” helps nobody. The hit registration is clearly not where it’s supposed to be.

Easy fix. They do this and I stfu

Snipers are way too strong. No flinch or de-scope on a one shot hit scan weapon is just idiotic. The game is fun outside of the hit reg and the snipers.

Fun until the snipers come out.

I keep getting one shot by snipers. Full health. Then again idk what the damage profile is like maybe that’s normal

Yall know Kenny doesn’t have a monopoly on entendres right ?

Obvious bait 💀