I feel like my IQ dropped 40% after watching this WTF

Are you saying use SMTPS over port 465 that was deprecated when STARTTLS came about? That seems odd. Do you really know what you're talking about because what you're saying doesn't make much sense.

We have a name for that in Sweden and roughly translated it's called the Finnish jerk or the Finnish tug. As stated, it doesn't work.

Are you saying you use Linux and don't know about Steam/Proton? You can download pretty much any game and it will work with some exceptions such as anti cheat etc. I recommend you try ut out. I use my Steam Deck for the most part so I don't know if you need to go in to properties of the game and enable the compability mode or not.

Please try it cause if you haven't heard about it by now it will blow your mind when you try it out.

The reason doesn't need to be malicious. It's the carelessnes that can make it malicious.

Wow people really can't comprehend this at all. It's not about the certificate. English isn't my first language either so I'm having a hard time explaining this the way I want to. The developer of a big remote connection software doesn't seem to be that bothered with installing stuff they don't know what it is and even let development stuff get released to the public. This is what's bothering me. The lack of understanding of the risk this has brothers me. One day a developer may find a great code block on stack overflow or a random library that helps with a problem that later turns out to enable a malicious person root access to any RustDesk available on the internet. They sell this software so you can't say this is a hobby project that some neck beard in a basement maintains even though it seems like it. If people don't understand this then I give up.

It's not really just about the certificate but more about the developers not knowing where it comes from and stating they are no expert at what they do which makes it sound really careless and amateurish. And that makes me wonder what else they do/don't know. It's a pretty serious thing when dealing with a remote administration tool which could easily be used as a backdoor to gain control of any computer that run it.

Wow... I was looking in to switching from TeamViewer to RustDesk for my work. Guess I'll think again. Thank you for the info btw!

We use Windows containers with multiple customers. We have Linux images as well and we recommend these over Windows but our customers are 99% Microsoft shops and don't want to deploy a Linux machine just for our applications. We ourselves use 100% Linux in production and only have Windows in testning.

We've used Windows containers since Windows Server 2016 and it has come a long way since then. 2016 sucked and I couldn't wait to drop support for it. It was really slow and huge base images. 2019 was a huge lift in performance and size.

I don't understand all the hate here on Windows containers and I've been a Linux user/admin for over 20 years.

Here is how you install Docker CE om Windows Server. It's for Windows images only so if you need Linux images it would be easier to install a Linux host.


It's a joke. Your title says you wanted to fly with it so..

Well you'll need a lot more than 600W if you're gonna get it to fly...

Does it not work or haven't you tried it yet? Just try it and see if it works.
Some leave comments saying you should mount it on the host and I have to say I would rather do it with a docker volume as you are trying to.
You just create the volume and declare it in the compose file and you're done.

When you say days, do you mean weeks?

So the first example is the same as "ls example" but longer? And the second just replaces the second ../ with a single dot? You know you can just do two dots and tab right?

I have the original Flex Hub which has over 2000km on it. In the beginning I had a few incidents where the wheels would "lock".

One time I put down the board and started rolling while I started the board, when it was started I immediately went full throttle and got maybe 10 meters when it locked up out of nowhere and threw me of the board. From this I learned to always have the board still before it started completely and I've never had that issue since.

A few times I've gone full throttle when the board was 100% charged and had to slam the breaks soon after and the board kind of jerked which would have thrown me off if I hadn't been more observant. The wheels didn't lock and freeze. It was more of a hard break for like half a second. I'm guessing it's because the regenerative braking can't charge the battery when it's already at 100%.

Giving that these circumstances are avoidable I'm not going to give up my Flex just yet. My next board will probably not be an Exay though since I don't feel 100% safe with these "quirks".

yeah I'm sure your're right. I just hate I'm so deep in the Google ecosystem by now..

Yeah just found out it was just for commercial use. I use mine for personal so that's why it's still working.