There are idiots everywhere unfortunately.

It's cringe and rehashed. It got old pretty quick when people were saying the same thing about Pinwheel a decade ago and now it's just sad.

Ahh gotcha, knew it was a stamina thing. Cheers for the update.

Was a bug with the stamina loss meaning you basically had infinite block I believe.

Claymore. Just uninspired. Was GOAT in DS1 but some people haven't moved on. So many more interesting options these days.


Blasphemous Blade. Braindead L2 spam.

The recently fixed Perfumer AoW exploit build.

The Sheild and poke build everyone seems to be using to beat the DLC dial boss.

Actually anything with a shield that isn't the buckler for parrying.

As long as you're not using exploits or broken AoW that is clearly not working as intended then you're good. Nothing dishonest about using the tools intended for you to use imo.

All of those are bug fixes. Rolling sparks was bugged and has now been fixed. Same with the thrusting shields.

Guess some folk are just going to actually learn how to play the game now instead of relying on broken cheese.

Lists the 2 most embarassing Noob options for Dex builds.

Jfc some folk are so clueless.

A strong breeze kills those guys so pretty much anything will work. What's your build?

Doesn't sound right. I don't ever use bleed but have managed to put poison and cold on the Backhand Blade no problem so bleed should work too.

LMFAO. Sure you guys will find another broken exploit soon enough.

Yeah, that definitely seems to be a new thing. Maybe to do with the increased player base Elden Ring has.

That's the red hot whetblade. The Black whetblade is in Nokron and requires Radahn to be dead to access.

Yeah, the pots only work right after a riposte. Without the crit first they're useless.

No way he farmed all the items required for all the DS3 trophies in 20 hrs. DS3 all achievements is a grind. He's at it.

I always play in offline mode. Much prefer my desolate world to one with messages, spirits and bloodstains everywhere. I like finding stuff on my own too so some messages while helpful just spoil a secret I could have found myself.

You want originality from the community that has been re-using the same 2 jokes for the last 12 years!?

DAE Pinwheel/Mist Noble/Soldier of Godrick hardest boss??

Something something, but hole.

We're not a creative bunch.