But like… blowing on the driver to cool it?

If there’s a window… 🤷

Oh I see. I have a screen in the other side that blocks most of the visibility. Plus the ductwork is black.

Did you have a fan pointed at the driver? Before I did that my temps were 150+ on the driver itself. <100 after. This thing really should have some active cooling on it.

Did you have a fan pointed at the driver? Before I did that my temps were 150+ on the driver itself. <100 after. This thing really should have some active cooling on it.

Last two pics are Garlic Budder, those def need another week.

What is this screenshot from? Looks very useful

Terps all the way. It’s where the flavor and different feels are.

It's a video game. The point is to have fun. Its not a waste if you die.

So perhaps the extreme outrage as the “totally untested and unplayable” mission launch yesterday was a bit unwarranted / premature?

We had a random in our group. But you are right, today we had 2 randoms in our level 9 group but everyone knew what to do. It’s almost like it took a little trial and error for people to figure it out. It didn’t need nerfed into the ground. The latest patch was definitely more than just a bug fix.

It’s not that much, just a gram a day is an ounce a month. If you smoke one in the morning and one in the evening that does it. And I smoke all day out of a dry herb vape.

I smoke an ounce a month…

Why what? It’s a plant. Have you ever seen a tree root?

“I top dress with 1 cup worm castings and Gaia Green all purpose and power bloom 1:3 ratio (1 Tbsp per gallon of water every 21 days)”

You wrote it wrong then, I didn’t read it wrong. You clearly say all purpose and bloom 1:3 which suggests 3 times the bloom nutes.

You are feeding your plants wrong and will continue to fail if you don’t adjust.

See the example? How it says more all purpose to less power bloom. You are doing this backwards according to your description.

Yes, your ratio is backwards

You said you feed All Purpose : Bloom in 1:3

The schedule shows that is during Flower when you want more phosphorous, you aren’t there yet.

According to the schedule you should be All Purpose : Bloom in 70:30, or about 2:1. (Heavy on nitrogen)

Or 1:1 during transition

This is your problem 100%.