I bought the gold PEI textured plate and I’d say I get about 95%+ adhesion with it. The 5% fails are almost always caused by me or poor prepping such as chamber temps for ABS.

The major breakthrough for consistent adhesion has been to make sure the plate is clean. Touching the play with greasy fingers was one of my big issues.

I now clean the plate with a good degreasing dish soap such as Dawn and wipe it dry with a clean cloth. Ever since I’ve had almost no adhesion issues.

I’m curious what the plan is here. I’m fairly certain you made it as a mock up and it looks great.

Is the next step to send the files to get metal 3D printer or will it get machined in another way?

I assume you could send these files to a machining shop that has a multi axis cnc to make it. Just curious what path you’re taking.

I love when people use 3D printing this way!

I have no idea why I was suggested this sub but here I am.

My university library had a data bank of old tests and exams. Some people, including myself, would study them since questions would be similar. Right before our exam the professor said he’d go over any questions we had so we gave him the link to the old test and asked how to answer one of the questions. When he opened the link he paused for a second then went onto answer the question. After that we packed our stuff up and he handed out the exam. Turns out he used more than 50% of those questions for this exam. He just smiled at us and said good job at studying.

I honestly got tired of getting scammed by dealerships and do almost all services myself after watching YouTube. You can do most general stuff yourself if you’re handy.

But to get to the point, my mom went in for an oil change and they sent a video of the service tech saying she needed new brakes. The video showed them looking at the tires, not the brakes. They didn’t even take off the tires to inspect it. She said no, came home, I took the tires off and the brakes had more than half their life left. They just wanted to scam a woman they assumed has no mechanical knowledge.

I hate dealership

If you do upload please upload to makerworld. It just makes it easier for us to import with colors. Any eta on an upload release date so I can check back. No pressure haha

1, I really want you to upload this somewhere so I can print it for my coworker. And 2, what did you print this with? Looks like you used a multi material system such as a Bambu AMS. If so, and you do upload it, getting the full color file would be awesome!

I’d need confirmation on this but from reading through this sub enough I’m fairly certain if you’ve signed and accepted buying the property you’re obligated to move forward with it. If you don’t the seller can go after you for damages and will win. For example, the seller might have to sell the house you’re buying to afford their next place. You trying to back out would ruin that so they can go after you for damages.

You need to talk to a lawyer. This can cost you an insane amount of money.

My old printer was so slow that I never felt an urgency when messing around it during a print. I stuck my hand near the build plate during a print to grab a filament poop and the printer head almost got me. Ever since I’ve become much more cautious at how fast these things are.

People need to understand that if this actually goes through, and gets streamed free on YouTube, I guarantee this will generate more views than you’d think.

It might come off as a meme troll but the more eyes on this means more exposure to BJJ. More people will be interested in the sport which can be a very positive thing.

I want to assume this happened to me. I have another brand filament that’s been in my AMS for a good while. I’ve taken it out once but used at least half the spool in the AMS since without swapping out. The last time I went to print it jammed up and there was a tangle.

Like everyone says it’s very unlikely that the manufacturer caused the tangle. Not impassible but very unlikely.

I was just talking to a girl who’s an international student. She’s supposed to only work 20 hours a week but her employer is getting her to work extra hours under the table.

I have the 20% down right now and I still feel like I’m going to struggle on payments if I purchase my first home. I’d 100% need to rent out a room or basement even with 20% down

No retaining support, no fencing above to prevent falls, rebar at bottom waiting to impale someone. I’d never work on a site like this. I don’t want to be there when something bad happens.

Reminds me of a video of a similar situation when it started to rain. The house above ended up sliding down into the hole due to unstable ground.

I’ve used sport a few times when I needed a print done asap. That being said if it’s a part you don’t want to fail on make sure to test the speeds with each filament first. I have some filaments I can run full speed up to ludicrous and I have others that fail the second it’s past 100% speed.

I remember seeing a video of an electrician van intentionally splashing a pedestrian in Ottawa. It got enough traction that the employee was found and fired

Looks like you might have Timelapse enabled. If so then this is likely normal. If you don’t care about making a video then disable Timelapse and this should go away.

I drove by yesterday and had to do a double take. Even then I still wasn’t sure if it was actually open

Not sure how deep you need to go but my uncle used a fire to heat a boulder in his driveway then sprayed it with cold water. Doing this back and forth shocks the rock making it much easier to break up with a sledge. It took some time but the amount of effort smashing the shocked rock was wayyyyy less than expected.

I’m a white belt and my sparing partner mentioned stacking before we rolled. It was the first time I heard the term. I caught him in a triangle that I didn’t lock in and he stacked me on my neck. Paid for it for a few days. I now know what stacking is and now learned some moves to avoid or reduce the stack. If I do get a bad stack now I’ll just tap.

To my memory the battlefield games were the leaders of destructible environments. If I remember correctly I think the team that was working on that frostbite engine eventually split. After that most games stopped destructible environments.

I really miss it especially in FPS games. The Finals has brought that back but I’d really like it to be a more common thing. Plus we have beefy hardware to run the physics compared to back then.

I’ve only ever had my printer go all the way to the bottom once and it was likely due to a weird glitch because once it hit the bottom it kept trying to go down. Power cycled the printer and it never did it again.

There’s two houses side by side on the street I live on for sale by the same owner. The houses are listed about $200k above the rest of the houses in the area even though there’s nothing special about them. They’ve been on the market for about 8 months and as of last week there’s hand written signs on each lawn “4 RENT”. Apparently the owner has been rejecting every offer. I honestly hope that they just keep bleeding money.

You can literally drive 1 minute down the road and buy a house $200k cheaper that’s double in size and has a garage. People are insane.

I’d love to learn how to apply textures like this

I have a 2021 Crosstrek and when I swapped my winter tires to my summers it looked like my rear pads were worn. Just replaced them myself last weekend and sure enough the fronts were fine but the back pads were finished. I only replaced the pads but next rear brake service I’ll likely get rotors as well.

Overall it was an easy job to do in a driveway.