Steamrolling the league for 100 games with one of the most dominant point differential seasons of all time will earn you that reputation. The teams that were historically comparable were a few of the greatest of all time.

Personally I don’t think anyone was beating them last year at decent health, but a number of teams have upgraded this season to make it much more interesting. OKC, Philly, NY and Minnesota all closing the gap.

Yeah I didn’t draft him or vocally say not to draft him, I just don’t think he’s a good QB. Was drafted high for potential and he was a miss, it happens, and it’s perfectly fine to recognize that he isn’t an above replacement level QB without it being about bitterness.

Fair points. I’ve watched the cliff so many times that I’m jaded, but crazier things have happened. Guess we’ll see soon enough.

Eh I think he’s a trap for contenders. He’s about to turn 32, has a mediocre QB still, is the third best wideout on an offense whose strongest element could be the run game.

Not saying he won’t have a decent flex game here or there, but at the price owners would sell him for (which KTC is never an accurate representation of) I think you can find better and safer value elsewhere.

Yeah I don’t get anyone buying Lockett, the combination of age, negative trend in production, and improving competition for targets makes him a total fade for me. Maybe he still puts up WR4 numbers, but feels like you’ll never start him the weeks he produces anyways.

Writing is on the wall for the 31 year old and I don’t know people think has changed that will stop his trajectory.

KTC is a mediocre tool that reeks of personal bias and surveyed agendas, while also being an occasionally useful opportunity to see where the wider community can be disconnected from your personal valuations.

It doesn’t remotely affect trading in any league I’m in because no one considers it to be a reasonable barometer of value there. Helpful to get a trade started, but never to get a trade done.

He said who has the lowest handicap, not who bold face lies to embellish literally everything including their own handicap…

One of these days CEH is going to pay off…right??

Why should we assume he could ever play that way for 17 games? It’d be silly for Indy not to rein him in, they’ll prioritize durability over your fantasy stats.

He’s played 3 games, you have no idea what his floor will be because we don’t know what a full season version of him looks like, especially when teams never had a chance to game plan against him.

Oh I think deep cuts are the way to go, I just personally think most of those are bad guesses 😂

But that’s where we’re at in the offseason, it’s all just speculation. Who knows.

He literally won the Iowa primary before dropping out to help consolidate the party vote. Sadly the country is too regressive to elect him right now, but saying he "barely go any votes" after beating Biden and Bernie in Iowa is very off base.

I don’t see a single quote in any of those links that suggest Biden is a “child predator”.

I asked for a quote and you provided links to information about the theft of the journal. The reason I asked for a quote is because I often see conservatives cite this diary, and then when I read the actual contents there’s nothing in there that remotely lines up with the accusations.

So again, can you provide a quote from the diary to back up your very serious claims?

Lol, that is a fine point, but the point I was making about the contract is opportunity. He’s clearly going to be getting plenty of opportunity there, just like the scumbag is.

Not saying some people don’t act that way, but if you looked at r/politics after the debate it was unbelievably overloaded with obvious Trump bots. I’d call out Biden ones too, but this was the most blatant I’d ever seen it.

Also after getting banned from r/worldnews for having a remotely anti-genocide take has really shown me how far Reddit has fallen down the ethics ladder.

Buttigeg would’ve annihilated Trump up there, but god forbid we have a candidate who can inspire change.

That was my thought. A 2026 2nd for a guy who will hopefully start for me for a long time. Obviously if he falls down the depth chart different story, but he seems to clearly be the 2nd best skill player on the team.

I’m embarrassed that Biden is on the ballot, but the sad truth is he’s the only candidate who isn’t actively trying to undermine our democracy.

I assume you’re too far down your echo chambers to look at the situation without bias, but Project 2025 will legitimately dismantle our constitution and the fabric of our society. There’s only one candidate who called state officials to ask for more votes, withheld foreign aid for political gain, told 30,000 lies in office, who encouraged insurrection, and who blocked border security so the other guy didn’t get the credit…and it’s not Biden.

We need to do better as a country and the longer anyone supports either of these two the further we get from actual progress and improvement.

This is generally the correct answer, but he could absolutely be worth a 1st again. Honestly if he comes out of the gate with a few top 15 finishes I think he’d be worth a first already (not a high 1st obviously).

The concerns have never been talent, just health and situation. Maybe he never gets there, but a good season this year puts him in a high tier while still just entering his prime.

Outside of Jeudy and Mayer I find this list to be pretty gross, but I suppose that’s the point.

The contract speaks for itself. He’s always had the talent, as long as you don’t expect him to ever touch the tier he was drafted to hit, he should be a great long term value.

I bought him for a future 2nd in a start 5 WR PPR league. I know it seems steep compared to market, but he’s a strong talent who performs with opportunity. Happy with the value, especially with the expected uptick in the offense’s overall success.