basically a casual

I rarely get to play so am still way down the missions etc and therefore usually don’t have fully PvP ready gear either so i make my own life difficult by solo queueing, specifically because I don’t want to leave team mates in this situation.

It’s literally just them loading in hoping that you’ll blindly follow them and end up helping with/doing their mission for them.

I didn’t expect people to help when everyone hadn’t finished everything, never mind now!

basically a casual

They did, it’s called MW3

basically a casual

I got MW2 with my PS5. I then bought and completed each Blackcell battle pass (AFK resurgence to get the BP done in a few days then ONLY play DMZ for the rest of the season) AND also used pretty much all the CoD points to buy bundles along the way.

I’d do the same again, money withstanding, AND happily pay full price to begin with for a full 2 year support cycle on a standalone release.

This is exactly the kind of ungrateful player behaviour that will lead to Arrowhead reconsidering such a community friendly decision and removing free SC from maps so if you’re gonna do it then that’s on you but at least don’t advertise it so more people start…

It’s pathetic that this OP thinks that someone being a temporary irritation by hacking in one round of a video game they are playing is worse than them being publicly homophobic over prox chat.

It’s actually really quite awkward that you don’t realise how embarrassed you should be by that post…

We were all there bro, just some of us bothered to grow up a bit and realise that anonymity doesn’t make something disgusting any the more acceptable.

I feel like you must have to actively budget for the amount of bandages you get through with knuckles that low to the ground…

That’s doesn’t look like tracking, that looks like one thumb navigation leading to a very lucky line up. Add in that there was no pre-ADS or attempt to pen you and I’d be fairly confident this is just CoD Timing at it’s best (or worst, for you).

The industry as a whole has moved firmly away from SBMM to EBMM years ago anyway as it’s proven to generate more revenue and increase play time and that’s what you were seeing in your lobbies.

The only people who really still encounter actual SBMM are the top 5% of the playerbase as they massively skew the EBMM for everyone else so are safely locked away in their own hellish ultra sweat lobbies but as virtually every streamer of even vague note either is in that bracket or played almost exclusively with friends who are we still hear about little else in the content sphere.

basically a casual

Whilst obviously Reddit is not any viable barometer for the real world, so many people on this sub talk about how DMZ was either the first time they’d played CoD in years (like me) or was their first CoD experience all together so I think it’s fair to argue it probably has brought a decent chunk of new players to the franchise.

basically a casual

Had this happen a few times. Funniest bit is if you jump and it yeets you into the chopper it’ll actually knock you! 🤣

basically a casual

100% this. I’m nowhere near 100% on missions or passives due to play time restrictions but I think a prestige system with some exclusive camo/operator rewards etc would be something lots of people would happily chase and would subsequently keep DMZ ticking over nicely for both high and low level players with minimal dev input. You could maybe add a modifier system for the higher prestige versions of missions to keep them fresh as well though that could be tricky in a sandbox game mode….

basically a casual

100% this. That fucking pistol was literally the only gun in the game more OP than the aforementioned Famas and you KNEW without a doubt that the cheap little fucker was gonna flump down on his arse and kill you with it if you managed to beat the OP Famas because that was the kind of no honour, easy win douche that would always use the Famas to begin with. Add in that SC auto snapped said pistols aim directly to you even if you shot them from behind and it was a near guaranteed streak ender…

basically a casual

This guy was there for Black Ops 1 and remembers the horror of Famas/Last Stand and I’m right there with him.

Last chance in DMZ is a hard pass from me, cheers.

basically a casual

Generally speaking I play maybe a few hours a week either solo or with Randoms and also mostly avoid PvP and can regain to a 3 plate, self rez and large backpack in at most 2 games. A Stealth vest specifically is a bit of a ball ache because the encrypted items are a bit rarer but to barter that you have to have got into Koschei and killed the sniper previously to unlock it so if you’ve done that then a standard regain really shouldn’t be too much stress for you…?

basically a casual

This guys the real hero

basically a casual

I honestly don’t understand HOW their mics are like that? I play with ear buds with an in-line mic and have to be fairly quiet so as to not risk waking my son but even in a firefight when things are getting a bit heated sometimes teammates miss what I say as my mic is set to a sensible level

basically a casual

It can also be if it’s later game and you can’t necessarily do a personal or hostage exfil you then know there’s potentially a full team, albeit likely under geared) that could cause problems at final so if you know you’ve cleared the last guy too then that’s one less variable to worry about.

basically a casual

Ah right, no mate, for whatever reason as previously commented you can only have one Price, Ghost or whomever and just change the skin for them on that particular slot via Active Duty > Customise.

basically a casual

Is it not just active duty > customise to chose a different skin for the already equipped operator or does that still dismiss the one in situ?

EDIT: just checked, no it’s 100%

EDIT2: oh wait, are you trying to stack bundle perks?

basically a casual

This x2000

basically a casual

Exactly, all the things that I’m sure are super rewarding if you have hundreds of hours to invest in learning and and appreciating the nuances of. I, however, am lucky if I get more than an hour or two a week to play games so DMZ is perfect for me and I doubt I’m making too broad of a generalisation if I say I’m almost certainly in the majority versus a player who can properly invest in something as in-depth as Tarkov.

basically a casual

I think Activision’s exact wording was DMZ would continue to be supported but not on the new map at launch which I think is where the potential for wiggle room is coming in so a lot of people are assuming that that translates to we may still yet get the new map in DMZ at some point if MWZ fails to retain player numbers long term…