People really do get stupid about tap water taste. Are you the kind of person who moves to a new city and buys massive amounts of bottled water instead of getting used to tap water tasting different in a different place?

But that doesn't validate the axiom at all. Violence attempts to coerce. It seems to suggest the opposite. That violence is a tool used for coercion not an authority.

Violence just attempts to force consent. I don't see how that makes it supreme. Especially since it doesn't always work to that affect.

The guy was writing a book to justify how totally ok it is for him to be too horny and sleep with all the women all the time and no one should judge him for it, but gays were icky.

Yeah this. A lot of people did enough partying on the 4th and it's soon enough they're jist recovering from it.

Ok but to the first one, what source is that idea of hags from? Like just a post somewhere made or some game or book?

Select this color for your in game character and the profanity filters will block it making your character invisible. The ultimate exploit.

This is less of an obsession and more hoarding. Like are you trying to create a bob shortage? Thinm of all the tiki fans out there with no bobs.

Hey it takes them a lot of time to gather intelligence. They have to scrape around all over to find any.

I always have to say: if we had 50 parties in America you'd still hate all of them and have to pick the lesser evil. It's about that compromise. Voting is about strategy not self expression or identity. No one sees your vote. Your vote isn't a hat you wear. It's not a moral you hold.

And if anyone is paying attention to France, their leftists, centrists, and liberal parties (multiple parties each) all had to band together into a unified front to allow just the most popular among them to fight a fascist takeover.

It will always be this. When fascism appears you will always need the factions who'd rather fight each other to instead work together to stop it so they'll have a future in which they can fight each other. You will get to fight later, you can be whiny about the liberals you're not taking action against later, for now though you have to fight the greater threat.

Marvel is like the only straightforward example. All other Disney media is the same as previous Disney media which is the same as most media that has been around it. The entire argument in the OOP is baseless.

You can maybe find two examples in the last decade but then you have to weigh it against all other examples. The thing that kills the argument is that any examples will be in the minority and also a real big reach to compare like that.

You'd need to ocmpare it against the backdrop of other non Disney media too, and older media before Disney. It's such a shallow reach.

And if you don't practice on hard mode in the lower level zones then you'll struggle more in higher level ones.

You mean like how Andor is about personal empowerment? How does Inside Out fit? Seriously this is a nonsense argument. They produce so much media you can find several in any decade to fit any point you make.

He's literally only thinking about marvel which Disney didn't always own. But if franchises they buy count star wars is the opposite of what they say. Basically it's a really baseless argument. They're trying too hard to justify a half baked idea reality doesn't support.

Worse their example of what Disney does is just marvel movies, which Disney bought not created. It's all a lot of nothing.

Their initial example is a false one. It's technically true because Disney bought marvel late into the fad of marvel movies. But Disney also bought star wars where rebels work together to bring down a fascist empire. If you dig around Disney's catalog and ignore what they bought, you can find examples both for and against this argument but nothing consistent. Hell, name some Disney media that fits their example that isn't marvel. It's hard.

They're trying to make This point with a false assumption.

Disney could maybe influence culture to their own agenda. But they aren't led by supervillains who think that way. Just normal villains who believe they're good people and therefore wouldn't need to change a generation's views in the long term.

The Neissan Blanc at thag price. The absolute best agricole.

Well there's a problem, that labor and cost for young kids who will very quickly not be that young and will only use them a few times a year. Meanwhile a plastic kids pool is cheap and not a permanent fixture of your yard forever.

Gays should be happy so gay should mean happy again.

Dude it's literally in your blood.

Still only an aesthetic. It's a nice refreshing one, but still only an aesthetic. The trick is cyberpunk was a subgenre of scifi novels before it had anything visual but things like solarpunk are things looking a certain way and then being given a label.