It seems they found the 20ft'er python before him.

A strategy I used was to bait her all the way up top and then push her with Erador of the cliff. Fall damage does a lot and keeping your magician(s) and archer(s) save is the savest bet.

Thanks! I am definitly focussing on putting more character into the actual characters, give each an arc. (Or at least a little one). So with voice acting it will hopefully keep everyone interested on more then just the battles.

I could do some asking around, see if anyone might be interested. Thankyou for the suggestion 😁

I do know that square can also be quite agressive when it comes to FF, but I haven't heard that much about OT or TS. So hopefully it will be fine.

I am indeed aware of it, so I sadly won't be able to publish it in public. I do think that a may get away unnoticed if I keep it demo sized for testing on kick starter of something. Hopefully 😅

Thankyou I appreciate the comment. As a little inside note, I am planning to add new characters/sprites. For example: Zigmunt, Theo and Destra.

Thankyou for the comment. I was indeed thinking about adding voice acting, but actors are pretty expensive for my college wide budget I am working with. So it would probably be done by family and friends, as long as it is of acceptable quality.

Sorry I thought I added it. Though it doesn't seem I can add them in a comment.

Changes to the spritesQuestion

I am trying to make a game that's a prequel to triangle strategy, covering the Salt Iron war. Some character sprites have to be changed due to it being in the past. Benedict and Erador already have a younger version in which only their heads are changed. Should I apply the same technique to the other characters as well, or should I be a bit more expressive with their design? (Picture below is an example of a younger Landroi I already made).



Music loopingQuestion

I am working on a game very similar to Triangle Strategy and I am curious if anyone knows how the combat music is used. Does the combat music loop again from the very beginning or is there more to it?

The stand has free control over a radius of 5m. How farther away it is from the user, the less power it has.

Ah sorry mate. I'm a little to young to get that reference😅

I'm sorry, what do you mean? Apolagies if I don't get the joke.

In my head I think of Symon as a little bit of both erador and Benedict. A man with a lot of humor and rowdiness. But also a lot of responsabilty for his own People and domain.

I'm actually working on a game that focusses on the salt-Iron war from simons perspective. I probably won't release it or anything because of copyright, but it is fun to learn how to make a game and especially how Square made triangle strategy. I do try to put a little of my own twist on the combat, with more of a focus on interacting with the invirment. And although we already know the outcome of the story you can still give it plenty of character moments to explain how things came to be in the original game. Like how the roselle came to be in the wolfort residence

Can we Just talk about BOTW/TOTK ZeldaSpoilerDiscussion

She grew up losing her mother at a young age and was right after that forced by her father to stop doing what she liked most: studiyng guardians and focus on her training. (We saw it in Age of Calamity, but it would've propably be the same for her in BOTW). She had to keep training while also being appointed a knight who she saw as a reflection of her own failures. With the tension rising, with a provacy of Ganon returning and after his actual return sering how she failed and having all off her friends die. Then she had to keep Ganon in place for over 100 years.

You would think after that it would be fine, but then she neede to take a leader role to re-astablisch Hyrule. With the opening of TOTK she gets blinked into the past, not knowing if Link is allright. Then after a while seeing two New made friends die by the hand of ganondorf. Last but not least, to save Hyrule in the future she turns herself into a immortal dragon losing herself in the progress. Only in the hope that after centuries Link will find the mastersword and protect everyone.

Girl honestly can't catch a break.

Seeing as this is set after part 8 and what I think is stone like hair above his nose, maybe we will be following a rock human as our next JoJo?