He will thanks to a 50+ year career bureaucrat who has been running for president since 1988 and can barely speak. He finally got the nomination because of Covid and the DNC blocking a progressive.

A debate isn't just stating truth over lies. You have to effectively and efficiently convey a consistent position. I agree that CNN and its former CEO Zucker are one of the primary reasons that 🍊🀑 got so much free media coverage in 2016, but CNN has no responsibility in the president losing the debate. If it were VP Harris, Newsome or Whitmer up there in the exact same scenario, no one would be talking about CNN.

Good thing we're totally confident in our leadership's abilities to prevent this easily beatable felon from becoming president again. I mean you'd have to be totally incompetent to even come close to losing to a guy like this...right?

You're literally a walking meme and you're too stupid to even read your own articles.

"The president ... he's our nominee. The president is our party leader," Moore said. There has been growing talk among Democrats in recent days that 81-year-old Biden should drop out of the race."

"New York Governor Kathy Hochul said she felt confident after the meeting and all the governors pledged their support to Biden. The president is "in it to win it," she said."

Are these ringing assurances of confidence? Only an emoji spamming half-wit (no offense) would interpret them as such. These are sterile public facing statements that can barely be interpreted as mild confidence.

Polls can't be believed... often that's true. But every swing state consistently (months even before the debate) showing him losing support vs a felon? This information is completely dismissable? Good one.

"bUt I wOuLd StiLl VoTe FoR hIm OvEr TrUmP!"

-Every unoriginal lib halfwit on Reddit (*5k likes)

Hes losing. We know hes better than the alternative but hes losing (badly.) Its as simple as that.

You trotted so many tired memes from 2016 on that reply Im actually wondering if you've ever had an original thought in your life. It must be peaceful. Smooth brain indeed. I could skate on yours.

What was the margin of victory last election? Despite Covid and 4 years of chaos it was thin. Biden finished 4th in the first 3 primaries and he chose a VP who is from a non battleground state and polled at 3%. Where are the current polls for states like WI, MI and OH? All down?

When people like Pelosi and Clyburn unprecedentedly go on MSM and tacitly emplore the pres to retire its eye-opening. At this point reports are that the only people at a recent private meeting who were encouraging him to stay in the race where his immediate family. The meeting with Dem govs also went very poorly.

So yea, using terms like hostage isnt that hyperbolic at this point. Of course, Im basing that opinion on what powerful people who usually tow the line are saying, not some knee jerk reaction to factual information.

I am so tired of insufferable morons who mindlessly repeat the weakest excuses from a dying old man holding our democracy hostage for his own ego.

People like you are the reason we can't have nice things.

He doesn't. You're delusional.


Respectfully, your "point" is at the Jr High social studies level where you first learn basics about a linear or quadratic political spectrum.

This isn't a political platform problem. He's actually had a decent record domestically. This is a problem of total unaccountability to the facts. He's down in every swing state + few more blue ones. He spent a week prepping for a debate that went about as badly as any debate anywhere could go.

Besides hes been running for president since 1988 and it took Covid and DNC intervention to get him there.


When Stephanopoulos asked the president how he'd feel if his choice results in an 🍊🀑 victory in November, his response was terrifying. He basically said he'd be comfortable knowing he gave it his best shot.


You can easily see how in love they are

What an original take /s The idea that the debate was a anamoly and there weren't questions about both Bidens electability and age as far back as 2016 is a farce.

The DNC is the reason we're losing our rights. They stand for nothing.


Its documented. Even NBC who are in step with the DNC posted an article about in Mar 2020.


Yes, the only possible thing that can be referred to as a conclusion in your short response is in fact the conclusion Im referring to.

You know what you're doing here. There was direct intervention from the party and a former president in the primary process to manipulate the results. Its hardly the voice the people, as your knowingly oversimplified conclusion stated.

No one used the word conspiracy and your conclusion ignores all the events that brought us to the outcome. You should be in Congress.

We did. In the 2020 primary, Sanders won the 1st two primaries in IA and NH. In response, Obama and the DNC coordinated with all the other Dem candidates (save for Warren who took the most votes from Sanders) and they all dropped out the day before super Tues and simultaneously endorsed Biden.

The first lady infantilizung the president post debate was definitely a sign of the apocalypse

finally some reality about who the man is