ESH. Your in-laws for the obvious. And you for making everything worse. The kids would have been bummed for a minute and then gotten over it because all four of them lost. There would not have been any jealousy amongst the kids. You likely made them more upset. Also, there should never have been a singular prize to begin with. Or at least not a gift card.

Stop disagreeing with her feelings and how she perceives your relationships. It’s not something you can argue away.

YTA. This was a very important day for her. Because of you, your friendship is now damaged.

ESH. He could have brought down the hamper. It wouldn’t have been too time consuming since it was on his way. But he was working and I understand not wanting to have any interruptions aside from the necessary breaks. As for you, It wouldn’t have been any more difficult to do it yourself. You weren’t busy. You should have stopped after the second “ask”. It sounds like you instigated this fight by going on and on and on. But you both have been behaving terribly towards each other. In healthy relationships there should be no yelling in anger.

YTA but you did her a favor by canceling on her. After reading this and your replies, it’s clear you’re not a safe person to be around.

NTA. It’s understandable not wanting someone you’ve only known for a few years to be called Grandma. It doesn’t sound like she’s upset by it, and she still has a special name for the kid to call her. However, even though you tried to be gentle, you probably should have worded it a little better.

No. I’m not defending Leah. She’s dead, therefore doesn’t care about what people say about her. My comment was about Op’s lack of empathy towards her current coworker.

I really like angel scratches. I’ve only ever heard of them being referred to as tiger stripes and lightning bolts. But I absolutely hate when they’re called tiger stripes. It only sounds cute when a toddler says it.

ESH but more so you over her. This is a mess of your own making. Just leave the Wi-Fi on and let her deal with her own emotions

YTA. But why is your boyfriend’s treat of choice a carrot? Rabbits will choose a banana over carrots in a heartbeat.

You hate when people tend to ask you this question!? Why are you being asked this often enough for you to need a comeback?

Slight ESH. Claiming someone is broken due to fertility issues is dehumanizing and your reply to her was well deserved. The only reason why I’m saying everyone sucks is because you’re pretending to have said that out of genuine curiosity.

ESH. Them for having no consideration for anyone around them. And you for overreacting.

Why are you complaining about a small incident that happened a year ago?

YTA. I was going to say everybody is but it doesn’t actually sound like he went off like you claimed. It just seems like he was explaining why you shouldn’t flush tampons. I used to think everyone knew not to flush them but TikTok taught me otherwise. Instead of politely telling him she’s well aware, your daughter told him to hush. And then resorts to name calling. There are different levels of respect. One being human decency. Aside from the obvious exceptions, human decency should be the bare minimum. You first have to have manners to be able to teach your kid some.

ESH. “I went home and made him breakfast. I brought it to him in bed, and he was still sleeping. No problem, I just ate it.” 😂 That was way too funny, in an AH type way