You saw it tonight and also in 2022. It's so fucking easy for televote to just crown the political choice since every non politically targeted vote will be split between 30 different entries.

The group he is part of is famous. He as an individual is as new and unknown as most of the artists in eurovision.

G2 wins the game if either Bel'Veth or Jinx gets fed. They had a lvl 1 strat to put Bel'Veth ahead which didn't work and backfired on BelVeth but massively set all of their solo lanes ahead. They got the Jinx win condition but forgot that relying on Hans Sama to carry late game teamfights barely ever works if he isn't on Draven.

Except the multiple fights where he legit autoed Ksante 15+ times doing 0 dmg while his frontline died stalling Lee/Ahri

He got to take 17 auto attacks for free vs. Ksante at midlane and dealt maybe 40% of his total hp in that time. Dunno how much LDR affects that but I guess it would bring him to atleast kill range or force him to leave frontline.

Earlier in the midlane he is ways away from his team and then spots the Ksante TP and traps him but decides to stay there to W him and auto 3 times? He absolutely could just run behind his team, leave a trap on the TP ward and look for a reset from the Lee his team was killing.

That combined with his early lead, dying to a charm with both summoners still up and potentially bad itemization means he absolutely could've done much more with the resources he was given.

Incarnati0n was already on track to be unbanned prior to C9 showing interest in him. He was a coach for SK in S3 and was participating in scrims as well as it was widely available knowledge among pros (Rekkles, Jesiz etc.) that he was most likely to be unbanned in S4.

Dickerson has a fear of flight, how do you propose he travels to Europe for one event?

Discraft knew he wont fly and signed him anyway.

Dickerson doesn't want to fly and probably feels west coast is too far of a drive.

Yes, those are exactly part of the rules that were set for 4.0 PD by the dev team.

No, I'm talking about IC consequences. If a cop abuses this it can easily lead to termination/suspension > loss of cop prio and no way to get into the server.

and cops with no moral scruples but have the balls to actually affect crime proactively regardless of the consequences, so no one in the current PD

Wait people with no mega-streamer benefits and no prio might not want to lose their job that let's them into the server every single day and is the reason they want to play RP at all?

If a player start talking to themselves so loudly no one can focus should they just let it go on and only handle it after the matches have concluded?

Literally no one in this thread knows if the other players were affected. You are working off of the assumption the arbiters aren't aware of proper etiquette when it should be assumed they would always choose to not interfere if possible.

As for having "approved shoes" makes no difference. If your shoes are worn and they squeek then they probably aren't deemed fit. Alizera states he's worn them for over a year and if he walks around with them casually during events then yes, regular dress shoes will wear down.

I don't believe this action from the arbiter makes any sense

How? If a player complained that he is making too much noise is it not their job to get them to quit making noise or if he is simply being too loud on day 9? Seemingly the rest have managed to shuffle discreetly and remain non-shoeless.

All this time it was Tessa who proceeded with the RP, she even asked conan to convey the message. But cornwood was too busy with turbo complain and game mechanincs crying.

This you?

Trouble qualifying

is understating it so hard. His average position post Miami for the rest of the season was 10.17 -- in what is one of the most dominant cars ever seen in F1. His saving grace for getting P2 was Merc/Ferrari/McLaren/Aston all switching turns on being the 2nd best team and splitting points.

Well he proved you wrong in that he couldn't as he just did at Texas.

Where you reachback doesn't matter as long as it's not across your body. Can go as wide as you want.