That book is now Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

Stella on Comedy Central.

One summer full of references with my 2 other friends.

Felt like the perfect show for our goofy trio to laugh at.

Reload is fun, reminds me of playing the Blackout mode of Black Ops 4 (I think it was that one).

Drop in, shoot some peeps...die.. fly back.. action continues.

Less downtime. Minimal looting. More gameplay.

There is one that came in a limited time offer pack called "The Checkered Past Set"

It included a skin (Veronika), a back bling, wrap and crowbar pickaxe.

Best. TCM 2003.

Worst. TCM 2022.

Easy peasy.

Day 800 since regretting not getting the Basquiat bundle.

Day 800 since regretting not getting the Basquiat bundle.

It's much more adult rated/raunchy on rewatch recently.

The mom character is hilarious.

Look on archive for the "Red Eye" cut of this movie for added narration and different scenes, It's like a workprint but it's great for a rewatch/fans of the movie.

I believe it is official as well, leaked workprint.

Don is best, Candy is worst.

Realistic based on screen time.

Everyone else played their part either very well or they were mid as best...but they weren't around as much.

I beat the story, did the past few season invasions, played a few towers and decided to go into the Kombat League.

You either meet people who are on the same level as you and you exchange equal hits/ lose matches and its generally pretty fun, outcomes very.

Or you run into the people who are 25-30 profile levels higher than you, only do the same strings with the top meta characters and you get absolutely decimated because you're just casually playing with a character you like.

Omni-man was going to be my main when I began until I ran into other Onmi-man players that just do the same copy paste string and kameo to win making you feel playing any other way is inferior unless you match the BS.. underwhelming.

Personally I usually get to the second tier of Kombat League each season and that's enough for me to deal with.

Thanks, bubblegum taunted his giant ass.

Shadow Henchman, first skin I ever bought the week I started playing when Zero Build was introduced.

Now every time the bundle comes around I see the Ghost Henchman calling me for only 400 vbucks...should I?

The JJK premium mini pass.

I had never heard of JJK , never really liked the look of anime skins/cel shaded in fortnites environment.

Yet I still bought it for some unknown reason.. I think I just wanted the pick axe to use on other cel shaded skins as its a pretty basic looking knife/blade.

And the Key lime pie A la mode Talkin' bout Ice cream on the side.

Hey, does a baby know how to operate a dvd player?

Havik is the only right answer here.

He shows up in the item shop pretty regularly, I always think of getting him myself.