I ask for help in preparing next session, in the shape of asking for them to look for soundtrack or character art.

They never do it.

For some reason Ty Lee with rosy cheeks doesn't look like Ty Lee to me.

Decent cantrip. I do have one nitpick with it tho. The classes. It being an Artificer cantrip and optional on everyone else makes little sense. I know that's how it's written on the others, because they weren't printed in the same book as the other classes and whatnot.

But these cantrips are only useful for Artificers who ate battlesmiths and even then you get to the lvl 5 extra attack dillema. Every other subclass won't take it.

I don't see how this is an "Iceborne" issue.

Half of those are from older gens. 3 are from MHW + I. And that last one is from Rise ffs.

I gotta check the subreddits I'm in more often.

Non-Primed Sure Footed + Fortitude works fine for those who don't have Primed Sure Footed.

100% Shield Recharge is quite valuable. Especially with how shields are nowadays. If you're trying for Catalyzing Shields you'll have a noticeable difference.

It's Dino Thunder Gold? Always thought it was Dino Thunder Black.

I'd hate to throw out so much hard work. But have you considered the triple statblock from Curse of Strahd Reloaded


You might find it quite dynamic and cleaner. Or at least a solid base to work on.

To me it has to go to Invincible Iron Man (4th image). It's when I really got into Iron Man comics.


I've seen that one specifically a few times. And anime Girls one with lewd but not really porn/naked all the time.

Short awnser: No. It's very paladin to have a holy wrath subclass.

Long Awnser:

The Oath of Vengeance "is a solemn commitment to punish those who have committed a grievous sin. When evil forces slaughter helpless villagers, when an entire people turns against the will of the gods, when a thieves' guild grows too violent and powerful, when a dragon rampages through the countryside – at times like these, paladins arise and swear an Oath of Vengeance to set right that which has gone wrong. To these paladins – sometimes called avengers or dark knights – their own purity is not as important as delivering justice."

The Tenets of Oath of Vengeance bring more of the "It doesn't matter if I'm not a shining beacon of hope. These evildoers will fall. At any cost"

Although any cost actually means any cost that doesn't harm more innocent people. You might even find yourself working with bad guys to take down a worse guy.

I also would like to again point out that it's Vengeance, not Revenge. It's about retribution for an evil deed, less petty revenge.

I would question it. But I tried it out yesterday and it dealt 7million so i don't think it matters

The fuck you want us to do? Run Unbreakable?

Are we really not gonna talk about J'onn s smile?


Oh hey, they are already in ravenloft. We started with your guide in September. I have content for a few more sessions, around a month.

Since this is a reply figured I tell since you might read this.

I belive the puzzle in the Black Carriage is unsolvable. Even plugged it into a slide puzzle solver and it said it was unsolvable. The starting configuration makes it so you can never get it right.

Edit: Just saw you replied to me on the Patreon page an hour ago

Thanks I hate it. And so will my players.

Hey Caleb, excuse me but, ARE THOSE MOUTHS IN HIS EYES?

It's water. And I'd say by a lot. When was the last time u had a player carry around 4 waterskins all filled per day.

Best advice I can give besides the obvious anti-fiends spells, like protection from evil and good, is:

Try to avoid spells that deal: fire, poison, cold, lightning, necrotic

There are demons in hell fighting the blood war, plenty of undead too. So these damage types would be common resistances.

But those 6 rockets deal less damage. When you said "Hear me out" I thought you were cooking something, not just going "haha many rockets go brrr"