This is amazing, I love that all the original cast was on board for this.

I know a very very tiny bit of Mohawk and it’s definitely a hard language to learn. I love how much aboriginal communities have held on to their traditions and languages despite the awful things our ancestors (and not as distant as we’d like to think) did to them. And I love that it’s all making a comeback.

I believe Canadian Tire Motorsport Park (formerly Mosport) in Bowmanville offers this on certain days.

Although probably not this week as IMSA is racing their next weekend and I assume teams will start moving in pretty soon…but most non race weeks. Definitely reach out to them.

Shannonville and Calabogie most likely offer it too.

I didn’t like my chubby cheeks from about your age till about 25. But I turn 40 this year and no one believes me when I tell them that. Everyone thinks I'm about 10 years younger than I actually am.

It's possible you'll lose your chubby cheeks as you age but if you don't, it works out in the long run.

You’re welcome, Taylor.

I work in a school and for the last week it’s just been me in my office doing finishing up things for the school year. So I listened to a lot of Taylor and I think Delicate is on all my playlists as it’s one of my faves.

I am 10 years younger than Tobey.

I work in an alternative adult high school, so a school to help people who didn’t graduate the traditional way. A very good portion of our students are about 20ish. I call them kids. ALL THE TIME. Because to me they are kids! A good portion of them still aren’t sure about signing legal documents. One of them once saw my tote bag I use for work which says “I like big books and I can not lie” and didn’t get the reference. They use slang I don’t know. They make me feel like we’re from entirely different worlds.

Dating one sounds like hell.

If you don’t mind a bit of a drive Rubicon Farms in Avonmore is really nice. Gorgeous location and great blueberries. Not open yet, usually mid to late July.

:68131558-3D59-42FE-BEFA-: Karma is the guy on the Chiefs

They are so freaking adorable. I love them.

Also, I have been searching for Travis’s shirt since these pics came out and I have found it and it is a race shirt! So I’m happy I clocked that right away.

I was wondering why the school hadn’t done more to contact them. I work at a school (albeit in Canada) and we have very specific steps to take a student off roll, which includes reaching out to the guardian, any emergency contacts and sending police for welfare checks. Usually if it’s a child considered at risk (which they should have been considering their background) we involve police and CAS right away.

Sad that so so many systems failed them. I’d love to think they did run off and are fine but that seems so unlikely in this case. If they had left their mom, it sounds like they had plenty of choices of safe places to go.

Agreed. It’s not like Lunch is actually about ordering lunch.

I got the word and was like “Is this an Easter egg????” Partly joking. Partly.

Asshole Enthusiast [7]

It doesn’t sound like it was even peer pressure. Dude was offered coke and jumped right on it.

I just finished The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren and it’s definitely my fave I’ve read this year so far. Which means I’m on a private island in Thailand at an extremely high end resort that caters to all my needs.

So I’m doing pretty fucking awesome.

Agreed and I’m a huge Taylor fan. And as a Taylor fan I fully admit she LOVES the spotlight. Yes, she loves the art of writing music and all that but she definitely loves the fame and attention. Which isn’t a bad thing. I love that she’s found someone who is just as happy to be in that spotlight. They’re basically an illustration of finding someone that matches your freak.

Right? I’m not a football fan but if I was dating a football player, I’d 100% be right there cheering him on just as loudly as Taylor does. It’s what you do when you’re a good partner!

I don’t understand at all how someone who’s an anti gun activist and has lost loved ones to gun violence didn’t see how offensive this would be.

Yes, nothing more feminist than shitting on the choices of other women.

Make up and the expectation for women to wear it is no doubt a product of the patriarchy…but a woman choosing to wear it because they enjoy it, for whatever reason, is not. And judging other women for doing something they enjoy is just pure misogyny.

Same. Yeah, she’s touchy but Travis doesn’t seem bothered…so I’m not suddenly going to get upset on his behalf. Not everyone minds casual touch.

Flavor Flav liked a tweet of mine back in May (he has befriended an IndyCar driver named Will Power and I tweeted that he picked Will as his fave simply because of his name). I was in the middle of a Canadian Tire and got a twitter alert and yeah, it was him.

I really enjoy how freaking random he’s become.

I turned 21 that year and god, I probably wanted all these outfits at the time.

I reread books…sometimes right away if I really like the book (the two off the top of my head I did this with were Red, White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston and Somewhere in France by Jennifer Robson) and sometimes it can be weeks, months or years later whenever the mood strikes.

If it’s a series I usually reread the previous book in the series right before the new one comes out.

I honestly don’t think this is from either of their camps. It’s basically an article that rehashes everything that’s already been said. Nothing new, nothing exciting. Probably a slow news week with the holiday and it’s an easy cover to sell.

Also rolling my eyes at all the comments about Travis being “caught” partying with Leo and Tristan. First, it’s not a club, it’s a restaurant. Second, Leo was there with his underage niece and her friends. Third, even if Travis chatted with Leo and Tristan inside, how is that a story? Chatting to a dude known for cheating doesn’t make you a cheater?

Asshole Enthusiast [7]

Ah yes, throwing your hands up and letting your kid do what they want because they won’t listen to you anyway is awesome parenting. Well done.