The best part is you can write "Make love to me Randy!" Or "Make love to me Randy!"  And hear it in both voices!

We had like 4 shrieker nests in one area on a night map, so we all threw down various turrets.....shit looked like a ww2 scene.

His posture and facial expressions playing the bass are just sooo spot on.

He couldn't handle the first fuckin wing, he was being a little bitch right away.

I have 3 kids, I can promise you he is unironically  using that slang in his daily life.

It also has one of the best building systems out of all those types of games imo. There's just so much room for creativity. 

I found myself just chilling in the various apartments and losing myself in the TV shows and cozy environment.

I'm bisexual and have gay family, so for you to insinuate I have no voice in the matter is ignorant.

But judging by your response I'm going to assume that's a pretty standard trait for you.

At least you got some tips for a good brisket! 

Subjectively yes. I really enjoy be a pro and eashl modes. Most years they don't add a ton of new mechanics or anything to really justify the $90 price tag, but I haven't bought an NHL since 21, so I'm looking forward to this one, as it seems to have added a few new mechanics.

It would be one thing to be a part of the parade in protest though, it's another to show up and disrupt the event for your own gain.

I know this group was respectful and left after they did their thing, but other groups have been disruptive, and it's disrespectful. 

Spices? Less can be more. I do a salt/onion salt/pepper/paprika blend and dry rub the whole thing. I'd let that beauty sit overnight in the fridge, let it absorb into the meat. Then I'd personally go for a solid 10-12hrs on low but that also depends on how you want the meat to turn out, if you want it falling apart then longer lower, if you want it more roast like then 18-20mins/lb is the general ratio...but even then I normally go about 4-6hrs, but for a 15lb I'd go 8 just for that extra tenderness. on low to make sure it comes out tender and juicy. Never do a brisket or roast cut at 400, there's less room for error and you'll more than likely end up with dry meat. Low and slow is the way to go.

I mean the pope recently made discriminating remarks about the LGBT community as a whole, and he's kinda the head of the whole thing, regardless of who does or does not agree with his views.