Lmao you literally disproved your own claim and embarrassed yourself

Wow dude, you're defending anti-gay bigots, Trump, pedophiles, lmao such a weak little troll.

Nah. Just others using thier free speech to drown them out. Cope.

noun obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

You're embarrassing yourself burner account.

10 day old account.

Get a less pathetic hobby.

He's just a pathetic internet troll triggered by gay people. He's probably 12.

Pretty sure gay women don't have husbands champ.

Nobody is trying to take away the rights of straight people.

All time high, actually. Beats trumps numbers.

So why didn't Trump "lock her up"? Lmao

Convicted is the opposite of innocent 😆

Oh please. The gravy seals aren't storming any cities. Trumps cult members are cowards.

They're having an overdose of copium. Thier insulated egos can't handle the guilty verdict.

Who's the current future president?

Lmao I swear Trump supporters read and write at an 8th grade level.

Never seen a prius covered in falls like this. Come to think of it, I've never seen any car covered in crap for democrats like this. And we've cataloged this stuff. r/infowarriorrides

Biden has already said he will use nuclear weapons against large American population centers if there's a civil war

He hasn't ya liar. Step out of the fantasy world.

Record high economy, unemployment at 50 year low, inflation back down to 3.4%, lowest violent crime rate in 50 years.

What fantasy bubble do you live in?

Trump literally said to bulldoze Gaza and develope the beachfront property. Genocide.

The guy running Twitter into the ground and shrunk it by 30% in 2 years? Lmao he's an idiot.