

When thinking of building yourself up, like a structure, decay or crumble seems a fitting world for its regression or decline.

There's also Reverting. As in reverting to ones old ways.


I would think it would have to do with lowering social status.

Perhaps deflation/deflate. As in deflating her value. She felt deflated by his lack of interest. 

He felt emasculated when she asked him to marry her

She felt deflated with her lack of options in the dating pool

This has also had the effect of lowering music's impact on culture. We are absolutely soaked in content. Music is becoming background elevator music. It's less important now. The same is slowly  happening to some degree for cinema.

I just don't think that music sits in the same cultural position it used to. We have way too much easy access to it and it doesn't have the grip anymore now that it is competing against meme culture and endless streaming... And short form content. 

Who's sitting down listening to a song all the way through and really digging in and thinking about it? Not the vast majority of people. Trent rezner recently commented on this... He said that music isn't really for truly listening anymore it's just background elevator music in general for everyone. . 

If you've lost your ability to bond don't project that onto other people.

My daughter learned to ride at her friend's house. I wasn't there for it and I'm remember feeling the same way you do...

I just doubled down on teaching her how to swim, navigate roller skating... Ice skating... Climbing on a rock wall...

I take her for bike rides now. She's learning how to be safe and getting endurance... We're doing that together. Jobs not done 👍 

Family Man

Is this immunity something we want a radical leftist president to enjoy? Imagine someone far left of Biden (he's a corporatist Democrat) having immunity from anything their lawyers can finagle into the "official" realm.

Someone's going to make a movie about this stupid scenario.

It's not posed as just a bear... And that's the end of it. You're not allowed to ask if it's a grizzly. The response is "it's just a bear"

They don't phrase it as small avoidant black bear. And that's why there's a problem with the mental exercise. It can be a grizzly, so it is a grizzly. You can easily tell the difference between a small brown bear and a grizzly.... Not so much with men. And if that's the point then it's the wrong metaphor. Rabies would be a better tool for discussion in that metaphor.

Five and 9-year-olds they both love it and I agree with much of your sentiment.  

Physical congress with someone outside of the marriage. 

Not thought about... Fantasized... Flirting...or anything that sets a dangerous trajectory.  Those are worrisome but not cheating.

I don't really see a future where social security pays out after the next 20 or 30 years

Mark me down as a person who has avoided the problems some complain about. I have homes, displays...doorbells and cameras.

Everything's choochin along to my satisfaction. 

I do routines I have a smart TV... I have Smart lights... 

I've actually gotten into some of the more advanced scripting that has been allowed recently.

Do you have any recent movie suggestions that have had a cultural moment like your looking for? Your explanation is intriguing.


Hey feel free to tell me how I'm feeling all day and I'll feel free to pretend like your feelings on my feelings matter.  I don't really know how someone on the internet can trigger me to feel attacked, but I'm open to that discussion if you think that's what's going on here...

There is a problem. The way the issue is framed is a problem. People are trying to talk about this problem... Anytime it's brought up the people who are trying to discuss it are being told that they're being too emotional or they're feeling triggered/attacked. I think you're too busy with interpreting  people's feelings instead of what the narrative crafts when we don't look at the words we use. If you think that generalizing all men as violent is productive I'd like to hear more about why you think that's the case. 

It would be the same if we say that vegans have diagnosable mental problems and higher levels of depression... Because we found a specific niche of vegans (like 2%) who have clinical neurosis, paranoia problems, and weakened resilience when dealing with reality.  Disregard that these vegans are probably just not adjusting and moderating their diet to have enough nutrition to avoid hormonal imbalances.

I guess the framing doesn't matter. Vegans have diagnosable mental issues. And I'm just going to phrase it like that. Now when we see vegans in the wild we can disregard their opinions because their brains cannot craft a strong basis for dealing with reality. They are soaked in mental problems after all. 

I understand that you're saying most violent crime is committed by men... And that you need to be healthily cautious of men. I have  daughters I understand this.  But I don't want to generalize all women as liars about SA simply because some small population of women are sociopaths lying about SA.

Imagine that for a moment... The vast majority of people lying about SA are women. So women are liars when it comes to SA. No problem with that framing? Their opinions on SA are now less than credible because women lie about SA.  Really? Should that be where we go with this? Because that's where it's actually going... The way people are framing stuff like that is having an effect on people believing women. Framing matters

Because they aren't making the distinction. And when they said "men are attacked by other" men it just feels like men are out there just attacking each other... But that's not what's happening.   It's the violent men. The same ones doing most if not all of it. They make up a wildly small percentage of the population of men. We should be making the distinction.  Otherwise women just walk around saying they're afraid of men in general and you're not sure if that's true or if they mean the small population and it doesn't matter... Damage is done. Men are just a problem in general.  Once the narrative gets to this point there is no fixing it. Just division.