My gut feel is the same…you’re overthinking this. I’m sorry you have to go through this, but I highly doubt whatever country you’re going to will be tracking you this way unless it’s unsafe for you to fly for some reason and they know you’re leaving.

I retired at 55 and travel a lot…but I think because I’m blonde everyone is just waiting for me to be broke 🤣. Now I’m 61 and have almost 1 million in 401K, my house is paid for in full and worth about $475K. No debt. I’m not rich by any means, but I’m ok.

My cousin got pregnant at 16 and gave the baby up for adoption. When he became 16, he asked and found out her information (which she put out there in case he did). They now are reunited and have a fantastic relationship, while he had the upbringing she could not provide him. 💕

One of the advantages of living in the desert…I haven’t added windshield washer fluid to any cars I’ve owned in the last 16 years. Didn’t even realize it until I saw this post…

I use Airbnb very, very selectivity. There are truly a few gem hosts and offerings out there…places that made my stay at a location better than it would be at a hotel, but the vast majority have become very uncomfortable.

I prefer it at night. The long shadows add drama and at 7:30 there is the closing ceremony.

This is when the guards take down the flag and everyone walks down together as the sun sets in the distance.

Oh my…I booked it in town the day prior…was the only one that had space left on the boat. I can try looking back at my credit card statement to see…

Edit: I think it was this one. I see it’s more expensive than it was 2 years ago…

Since they said “tight budget”…I thought it may be the better option.

Europe is more “walkable”…and probably one of the reasons the US has a higher obesity rate.

“However, the United States outranks nearly every European country in weight, with a 35.9 percent obesity rate.”

I’ve used Yoast for years and unfortunately have seen all the errors and quirks that happen with new releases…so am shopping for something else. For example, the other week Yoast was turning posts red because it was saying I had no internal links on my posts…when I did. It was previously green…now green again with no change in my part. Those details shouldn’t affect my SEO, but they do make me lose faith in the quality of the program.

What do you consider long? I traveled an hour each way in the freeway to work every weekday for 3 years. Took longer in snow and sleet. Later I ride the crazy freeways in Arizona 30 minutes each way for work for 5 years. I have family friend I’m going to see tomorrow night for dinner and will drive an hour each way to see her. It’s all normal.

I’ve had 3…I keep coming back because they’re so fun to drive. Plus it’s harder and harder to find stick shift cars these days…which I love driving.

My mom used to hate me driving them as she thought I’d get in an accident…which over the years I have…but survived.

I moved to a smaller BMW for a while and that thing died on me twice while going 70 mph on the freeway. I decided I was safer on a Miata.

This is true! I lived up in a newer condo up in Greyhawk when I first moved here and saw them occasionally on the walls in the bathroom. Since moving just north of Old Town I have not seen one for 16 years. Not one!

I’m lucky with a high metabolism…but I’ve also eaten healthy and worked out all my life. I’m 5’6” and weigh 120 pounds. Been like this since I was an adult. I can even wear some of my clothes that are 20 years old. My dad is 86 and thin as a rail…so my goal is to not lose weight as I get older. It’s just how I’m built.

Some of it is genetics. What is your family history like? You may need to work harder than the average bear to change that.

I also think you can mess with your body. I have friends that are twins. Almost identical. One is thin and one is not. I think the latter broke her metabolism with an unhealthy diet and likes sweets too much.

It’s best to talk to a nutritionist or doctor as every case is different.

Google online support groups for grief from SA. I can’t vouch for any of them, but if you can’t get paid help, maybe see if any of these groups can help. Like this one… Certainly don’t listen to judgements here on Reddit.

Read trust pilot negative reviews before using BetterHelp!

Is there a counselor at school that can direct you to someone?

Some airbnbs are truly unique and worth it, but honestly, I usually find the same listings on booking and Airbnb these days.

I also shy away from Airbnb as some owners are militant and the cleaning fees can be outrageous.

Beginner scuba in Zanzibar, advanced in Egypt. Yoga teacher training certification in Hawaii. Tried surfing in Morocco, but need more practice!

I chose NOT to eat at any of these places. There are a few that don’t. Hopefully someone from Turkey reads this and they realize what why no one is eating there.

I have a 2016 Grand Touring Miata with 38K and no problems…first I’ve heard of this. Glad to hear no one else is reporting serious issues.

What exactly do you mean by an AI purge? Do you mean they’re reducing traffic from sites that use AI heavy content? And how many months back?

I store content for travel blog, but it’s been down since last July. Starting to get an uptick in traffic, but I think it’s just seasonal and I know I have issues I need to fix (CLS, site speed, large photos, etc…).

Did you look into taking the KTEL bus system to Balos and Elafonisi?