Copium is a hell of a drug 😺 let em keep huffing on it and grasping at whatever helps them sleep at night.

I for one will be super sad to see Ekblad go but unfortunately understand this is 100% the correct move. His value doesn’t get any better than what it is now and that cap space helps to lock up Swaggy and Reino long term. I’m just happy he got his Cup with the team that drafted him first overall and will continue to root for him wherever he goes but if we have learned anything it’s not to question what moves Zito makes.

First ballot HOF stats right there

He 100% would answer he wants to stay but again: he’s a 50+ goal scorer who’s now a Cup champion. His value is at its peak for an unrestricted free agent. Teams with (or without cue Vegas theme music) cap space will be at least making some calls to see what the magic number is.

I do hope Daddy Zito can somehow make this work and he will be back with us next season.

An Edmonton defeat is a victory for the rest of Alberta. This does not surprise me in the least bit

Edit: add all of Western Canada as well.

Goner McFaded has left the building.

GG’s. Y’all be scary next year

When more then “Six Whole Fans” show up to an arena of course it’s gonna be a little warmer then normal in there 🙄🤭

Unit Lost

As the second of our “whole six fans” I concur

Shirt, hat, scarf, new jersey. Wife did well as I’m stuck at work. She had her moment last year. Time to celebrate mine 🤘

First overall pick Aaron Ekblad is a Stanley Cup Champion. Could not be happier to say those words. I’m an beyond jubilant and running circles around my work trying to watch the Cup ceremony on my phone 🥲


Congrats to the Florida Panthers

We have a first period goal!! We have life by the looks of it!! This is leaps and bounds better then games 4-6!! Positives to build off!!

I’m only here for the squabbles between Roo and Steve. This by far is the only good thing left on this game and subreddit. They are oil and water and I’m here for it 😂

Won’t comment on who’s right and who’s wrong as the opinion of someone leaving the game doesn’t matter.

Whatever the case Congrats Roo on balls in Prism. EA thanks you kindly for your continous donations over the years.

sad cat noises 😿

Plain and simple it’s come out in the first period and don’t lay an egg in front of the home fans. Keep it close or be up. If they go down again early? 😬

Unit Lost

Add the 3rd period of game 3. That’s when this decent into hell started 😩

No first period let downs tonight. No lack lustre efforts. They need to come out and be aggressive on the forecheck and play their game. I can feel it in the warm stale air of work tonight. Something big is gonna happen

I remember seeing a video about Ben Stelter one night watching a random hockey game on SportsNet and couldn’t help but be moved by it. RIP to both him and Joey. I know both are smiling down at this series going on.

Hello fellow Hamiltonian 👋

All those strippers I promised a Stanley Cup party are gonna be pissed now

Have to agree. Just a very erratic pass that wasn’t necessary. Just chip it back deep and let the boys work below the net. It’s almost to the cringe point if Florida goes on the PP. Back to back games of this shit.

All I know is that hustle and determination they showed in the third better carry over to game 6. No more slow starts. No more excuses. No more cute passes. Just forecheck them to oblivion and close this out. Enough of giving this wounded animal life. No more Cardiac Cats. I want Champion Cats