Yea I haven't given notice at my last two jobs, either. The first was because of circumstances beyond my control but no regrets because the manager was a prick, but the most recent was because the boss was an absolute nutbag.

Fuck around. Find out.

Yeah I heard his voice while reading that. Now I must wash.

Yeah it's pretty cool how the infallible and eternal word of God seems to be less important when the collection plates start getting light.

Let's be real here: Abrahamic religions have been used to stoke discrimination against LGBTQ more than any other influence. Churches flying the pride flag largely do so because it's good for business.

If there's one thing I hate about people who don't complete sentences it's

No. This is childish.

Perhaps OP the child who can't seem to shit in a toilet without getting it on the seat in this workplace? Probably not ready to drink milk from a sippy cup, either - still at mommy's teat, no doubt.

Church, temple, mosque, synagogue... differently named buildings that all seem to be a source of hatred towards those of different beliefs.

"open up your wallet and let it flow into me"


When, oh when, will we legally declare religion to be a personal choice, pull taxpayer funding from churches, and stop letting the invisible man in the clouds dictate how people live their lives?

Why do we care what consenting adults do in their own bedrooms if it's not at all harming the rest of society?

Get it together, Hamtramck. It's not our fault you live in the most weirdly named city of all time.

OP nails it with the use of the word, "psychopathic."

This is why I come here. This beautiful, coherent, honest, most perfect deliberation of truth. Everything we hate about the current state of capitalism and our workplaces is precisely packaged into this neat little essay and I felt every word of it.

OP, if I could pay you for what I think this post is worth, you'd never need to work another day of your life.

I boycott with my wallet.

If goods/services are being offered to me at fair prices, my wallet is open. If I had an infant child you can bet I'm stocking up on this deal... but double down that bet on the fact that there ain't a snowball's chance in hell I'll be grabbing an $8 deodorant, $7 toothpaste, $10 box of Ferrero Rocher, or any of the other grossly overpriced items when I'm there because it's convenient. I will inconvenience myself and shop around or go without until these con merchants get the message.

Eff your shoddy, self-serving rewards programs! Eff your 300% markups on essential goods! Give me what I need at a fair price and you will have my business. We see right through all the sneaky retail tactics, we know we're getting gouged on essentials, and we've had enough of it!

Until they get this message they better get used to seeing me walk out of their stores with a cartful of the loss leaders and effall else! We're too smart for this shit and we're not playing anymore. Nok er Nok.

What the hell happened here?

Continue the boycott until they pull back their profit margins and apologize to the Canadian public, or go under. Then it's on to Metro or Sobeys because I think they're just as crooked.

Sounds like a company that has too many people earning too much money who aren't doing anything productive. They should be the ones getting let go, but, what do I know - I'm not a businessman! I'm not the type of human being that thinks it's worth putting people out on the streets because all those 2.5% pay increases are better spent on my third holiday home in Palm Springs.

... and poor health conditions, apparently! I wish you better days ahead.

Went "above and beyond" for decades. That's the way to success, right? Teachers, supervisors, parents...all had that advice, so I'd kill myself trying to go above and beyond.

What'd it get me: burnout, alienation from other coworkers, and... you guessed it... nothing! Not even the occasional, "Good job, Gord!"

It got me the opportunity to continue to go above and beyond, and increased employer scrutiny when I'd start to fade. Maybe a 4% annual pay increase only to find out new hires start at that wage. Empty promises, but the satisfaction of knowing my efforts earned my manager a padded bonus. Promotion? Aw hell nah. The most productive, profit-creating workers don't get promoted. That's bad business!

I would never advise anyone to go above and beyond.

As much as I try to be an ostrich during silly season it's difficult to ignore all of the speculation. I hope he stays with us because I think he's still got magic in him. He wasn't himself after AFCON but I'm not willing to believe he's on the wrong side of his prime just yet.

He's been ruthlessly ignored by those who award FIFA POTY in prior years. He's evolved into an elite all-rounder on the pitch. I'm ready to see him put on one more display with Liverpool that will earn him the title of world's best footballer and bring more trophies to Anfield. He deserves it.

There's idiots at every level.

Regarding the concept of "selling one's soul to the devil," that's probably metaphor for exchanging something non-tangible (like anonymity, certain freedoms, or spare time) for fame and wealth. The "devil" is more than likely a major production studio who use legally binding language to ensure they maintain control over the artists' words and actions. Katy Perry may never need another dime in her life, but she'll never know the simple pleasure of browsing through a Wal-Mart at 1pm on a Saturday afternoon, or shamelessly tweeting an unpopular opinion, or watching her child's first hockey game with the other parents, or wearing a certain brand of sneakers, or many of the other mundane things most of us take for granted.

We're atheists. We don't believe in organized religion, unorganized religion, semi-organized religion, or any other spirituality regardless of the level it's organized.

We might enjoy Katy Perry's music but I doubt any of us give a rat's ass about her ethereal opinions.

And we think it silly that "Jesus Christ" is a cuss word, but if movie producers don't want to alienate an audience that believe "taking the Lord's name in vain" is a sin then they're being good at business.

Next question.

Look who just discovered the value a sprinkling of socialism in an economic system allows.

"Not to be a drooling, socialist cuck...." Alright. Continue to be a drooling capitalist bootlicker, then, and continue to observe where that's taking us!

He almost has it.

The Watford goal. Salah vs. three defenders in a phone booth and he dribbled out of it. Unreal.

I love how this person refers to her and her spouse's closest friends and family as "Random Guests."