Of course. Turned on the spigot, let it run a bit to get the warm and hot water out, and then a nice cool drink.

For what’s its worth, I do have elderly parents, but neither are suffering what yours is. I do have a sister-in-law whose mother is in a memory care center now.

Ten years ago, she was being cared for by her husband and my SIL. As her condition worsened, they struggled with the same questions. Her angry outbursts came more frequently. Her personal hygiene, her refusal to take medication, not sleeping, etc.

After conversations with her doctors and concern about her dad’s health, as well as her own, they realized her care would be better in a place with consistent normalcy. Their home life was actually aggravating her condition.

They found a wonderful place, and her mom moved in three years ago. Her mom’s day-to-day quality of life has improved. The family had their regular visits with her.

My parents are in their 90’s. 20 years ago I bought them a DVD of chair exercise. Much of it was stretching exercises. They are still doing their exercises daily. Yes, they aren’t as flexible as when they were young, but I believe it has helped tremendously with their mobility and general aches and pains.

Lived here my entire life and finally went to the WWI museum a few years ago. It is amazing. They have a Harley Davidson motorcycle that was used. I was over the moon to see that. I have a picture of my grandfather standing along side the one he rode when he served during WWI.

I have used it, and I 100% mean it. However, it’s usually “I truly appreciate your help” or “I appreciate your assistance”.

Slovenly. Thanks. We all need to start using that word more describing lazy life-sucking hustlers.

I didn’t get married until I was 30. Had my first child at 34, then got pregnant with my second at 38. Had my OB call it a geriatric pregnancy. Gee, thanks, let me get my walker.

Gosh, I wish someone would write a new show with these characters. Maybe Charlie as the central figure. Growing up in the home (with Michael and Fiona), plus his general DNA, I can imagine Charlie involved in something similar.

Not had that happen, but I can 100% guarantee, that would have been a deal breaker. Once a cheater, always a cheater.

Educate yourself and vote. Be cautious and skeptical about what you hear from friends or the news (however you consume news).

My dad, a smoker since he served in WWII in the Navy, quit….cold turkey.

What the F? The tan, the fuglie dress, again, what the F?

People weren’t this rude and lacking of simple manners years ago. In school, for example, talking back to a teacher could mean a trip to the principals office, and a possible phone call to your parents. (You did not want a call to your parent). Good behavior, in class, was actually graded on your report card. Learning to behave yourself in school carried over to adult life.

Two Christmas’s ago, we used USPS to mail small boxes to my husband’s siblings, all live out of state. The one going to Minneapolis, took 4 weeks to arrive. It went to Bangor Maine, where it sat for 2 weeks, then back to KCK, then 1 1/2 weeks later finally made its way to Minneapolis.

Covert here. The amount of intolerance and rude comments I’ve heard from family who are Baptist is beyond belief. It’s like they think it’s ok to be anti-Catholic right to my face and, sometimes, right in front of my husband’s family.

This. A sign of emotional maturity is showing love and affection, to your partner, in a non sexual way.

Same. Regular period, then over. Minor sweats a couple nights, even over. All happened when I was 52. I recognize I was lucky.

Haven’t lost either of our parents. I had a conversation with my husband just last week about my older brother. I love him, dearly, and he’s always been a great guy. He, my SIL, their adult kids, spouses, and grandkids live 800 miles away. We see him about twice a year…now. My concern is my SIL. She, for some reason, has practically isolated their entire family group. The kids and grandkids only seem to spend time with each other. Every single Saturday, the entire family is together for the day at my brothers home (he lives on about 10 acres in a wooden area). The kids don’t seem to have school friends. They don’t play sports, scouts, etc. I call my brother to talk, and generally after 10 or 15 minutes, he’s being called away by the SIL. My husband joked one time he thought the whole group would be happy living in a gated compound. I might be overthinking this, but I truly think, once our elderly parents are gone, I’ll be lucky to see my brother every few years.

I do it. I’m 66 and have worked around computers since before the internet. We have a Smart home, and I’ve installed everything.

Happy Valley is one of the best TV shows I’ve ever seen.

I had a boss, at one point, like this. Throw in narcissistic asshole, and this was him. He finally overstepped. A new VP was hired, and a reorg put our department under the new VP. He saw right through him, and, though professional, anyone close saw the intense dislike. My boss threatened to “retire”, the new VP responded with an ok, just start the process with HR. He actually thought the VP would back down, ask him to stay, etc. Nope. His ego put him on a track to leave, and rather than backdown, say he wanted to stay, he stayed on that track. Left the company. I couldn’t have been happier. Actually was in a meeting at our HQ about 5 months later, saw the VP, and thanked him. He gave me a slow smile and said, “thank you, but I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about”.