:9: Chase Elliott

Is today the day for Larson’s waiver to be approved?😂

:9: Chase Elliott

My dad took me to MIS as a kid for a practice, the sound of the engines echoing around the track hooked me immediately. And just the sheer speed captivated me.

6 years on and the batteries are as good as the day I got them as far as I can tell

:9: Chase Elliott

Pocono will be better simply because you can see the whole track. Indy depending on where you are you might get a straight and some of a short chute and that’s it

Test drove one and it did the same thing. Didn’t buy it since service couldn’t figure it out. Guess they didn’t check here

Run through walls for your people and they will for you.

If they’re getting the job done then who cares about time worked. If they’re not, then you need to hold them accountable to clear expectations and follow up with them when they’re not meeting the clearly explained responsibilities. If they are not working because they don’t know what they should be doing then that’s on you.

Can’t hold someone accountable if they don’t know what needs to be done

I would pay 1 dollar a month for YouTube premium if it came to it. Not 15 or whatever red is. Until they lower the price I’ll continue to use ad blockers

For some reason I get the Guant House from Harry Potter vibes

33.7 kWh of energy in gas. I had a 2017 civic si which would do 38 to 40 mpg on the highway. My 2022 model 3 gets 120-140 mpge on the highway based on my driving. So no, it’s not better on the highway.

This just in, when AC was implemented in a widespread manner-power jumped to new highs…

Put a poster on the wall and dig a tunnel behind it.

I think the opposite. Instead of not slowing down until you push the brake, your car is already slowing down with OPD before you get to the brake. I’ve found that helpful before. Of course you’re not wrong about getting out of the habit of covering the brake.

As for another comment about hypermiling, you can balance the pedal and coast when you get used to it.

There are definitely pros and cons to EVs (coming from a model 3 owner). But the pros definitely outweigh the cons in most cases

Without a doubt lol. He should go to Juarez and say hi to those he wanted to be deported.

Is ERCOT up to the challenge?