If mobs dropped hundreds of gold coins I'd be opposed to that. Imagine the inflation from that (hint: it would be insane)

You got to be joking, Counterstrike is useless.

Here is my two cents.

You can tell a fair deal from a single game. You can tell if the DD have good positioning, using defensives appropriately, going in for kills/kiting, etc. If we are not a match or if I feel the DD made some major misstakes, I'll leave and try with someone else because I want to find someone that I can push with.

Personally it doesn't really matter if we win or lose the first game, either way I will still judge my partner and determine if I want to continue to play with them.

Do you know boogie woogie?

That dude needs to grow up.. oh wait

Or cut it the scientific way!

I can get rid of competition by undercutting

Created the entire universe and everything in it, has millions of galaxies to atend but still cares if I wear a condom and what i eat. Imagine that..

Can i eat the whole pie or just a few slices? I need answers quick!

This was actually very helpful for someone like me who is just getting into front-end development

You should never ever wear a watch or other jewelery when handling food

My dog did the same thing to a book called ”why does my dog do so”

Where can i buy this camera?

Fury is most likely getting a 5% buff next reset