They’re actually called cuntservatives get it right

No because I’m watching Portugal and they’re the next level of that shite

What if the shot was 1 meter away and booted at his hand, is that a pen? Same thing if he can’t move his hand and it’s not in an unnatural position

Can be. Antandra, shakir, odie, koko and smokey. Not a guaranteed win but gives you a fighting chance. Shakir is very strong when he gets his ult off with koko support

What’s the translation of the chant? Maybe we can sing it in the pl matches

We should be used to havertz missing chances tbh

Yeah you’re doing fine tbh. You’re getting the extra stargazers so no worries

Not really no, your mauler team isn’t built so not much you can do tbh

Do you keep palmer as an impact sub then? For me he has to play he’s been so lively

Unironically, I was hoping foden wouldn’t come back from his trip back to see his new kid. Forcing a sub to Gordon would be fantastic

Yep they’re a very good team. But we have answers for that with Gordon and palmer. If he brings them on before 75th minute I would fancy our chances

It’s true for almost all teams who play against these teams, France doesn’t have a single goal from open play for example, Portugal have struggled. I would much rather play vs a team where there is more space on the pitch. Who knows, maybe we will look much better against them than the previous games if they attack like vs Italy

England have conceded 2 goals in 4 games and have done enough to get by. We’re speaking about Switzerland as if they’re Spain, it’s the same as people were doing with Austria. England shouldn’t be scared of them at all, just need to play better (which for some reason they can’t do)

Let’s see. They’re favourites for a reason, the players on their squad are much better than NL and Switzerland. If something clicks it won’t be a surprise

Ok I get the England hate but you’re joking right? In your mind there’s no way the England team could beat Switzerland?

They serve that in alot of London bars as well