I’ve never seen a guy lose 20k and walk off crying. And I’ve seen a lot of guys lose 10-30k. 

I’ve seen a guy buy in for 100$ and walk off sniffling and choking once or twice when I played 1/2. 

Probably like 0.01

If we up the requirements to “money they can lose without having the power/phone shut off or being evicted or going hungry, but still should be investing or putting away for kids college, etc,” I’d say we probably get that number up to 2-3. 

Anything past 1/3 and maybe 2/5 and there is close to nobody at risk of having the water shut off. Even at 1/3 it’s pretty rare, occasionally once every couple years you’ll see the guy who loses 100 and starts to cry a little and walks off. I’ve never seen that higher even when people are losing 20-30k. 

I have a long term friend who probably has the power/phone shut off twice a year because he runs out of money gambling, but he’s a gambling addict with a mild problem drinking issue. 

I put it as the high end.  Mainly because there are some events… such as local satellite… where the dealers are only getting paid sever wage of 2 bucks an hour or so, and no per down rate. 

I played a cheap satellite earlier this year and won 1500 in it, I tipped 100 bucks, but the dealer dealt for 2 and a half hours, and only got paid 2$ an hour while doing so.  So, they got around 40 an hour from that “big tip” which is about the same as they’d make in cash games during that period, maybe a bit more. 

The best side hustle that will make you money for under 5k is some type of labor+your time+ minimal cost of equipment. 

You get the cost of the job all to yourself, make double what you would getting a job to do if, but you’re responsible for sourcing jobs and collecting payment and all the other business aspects yourself as well. 

Whatever you are good at. 

Painting, cleaning, car detailing, pulling weeds, mowing lawns, walking dogs, pet sitting, moving furniture, taking out old people’s trash for them, assisted shopping, babysitting, etc. 

You don’t get some money printing totally passive machine for 5k or less. 

You can invest and make 7-8% per year. 

At that income level I’d say pick something you’re good at , and trade time for money, if you like it, you’re good at it, and it grows, hire employees, and then you’ll start to get some profit off their labor. But you’re not just going to spend 5k and magically make multiples of it with little to no effort. 

These people are not paying for all that, they’re going to go out and grind themselves, and likely forget to claim any cash clients. 

“ unless you have amazing money skills you'll end up broke”

This is true for pretty much any business owner or really any person in general who isn’t getting a pension/gov check for life situation. 

it is common to not have political/religious conversations at the poker table, because it distracts people from gambling, slows down the game, gets them arguing, etc, even if in a constructive and civil way.

while it may be frowned upon to talk religion at the table, it's not frowned upon to wear a cross necklace, etc.

this makes you think he is not smart? maybe that his angle? wear this hat so you underestimate his intelligence?

also, some people are good at poker, because they study poker a LOT , but it doesn't mean they are equally as intelligent in all areas.

some years it seems like a hiring requirement for you to have never dealt before.

with that said, yeah it's fine.

my friend is a dealer, who started with the wsop, he also got his girl a job doing it, and her first hand dealt besides for to him a few nights before, was at the audition, she got hired.

tip whatever makes you happy.
if it makes you feel good, and the money doesn't matter to you, tip the entire thing.

Also I will say, when we are talking small local events and not big events in the summer at the wsop with big staffing fees taken out and paid per down, you should lean way more the 10% side, espeically if its all the dealers are getting above the min wage.

dealers in small rooms typically do not like dealing those events because they make so much less than if they where put in the cash games.

Hear trump is a BIG fan of McDonalds.

Warren buffet also notoriously loves McDonalds and eats it regularly.

but.... the same thing you do.

i used to get breakfast with a guy worth 25mm+ sometimes. there were fancy brunch places in town that would be open, but his favorite was waffle house.

so... they like the same thing most people like....

as long as they're not on super strict clean/restrictive diets.

I know people who make 80k a year and spend 30k a year on eating out at steak houses every night.

if by "casher-outter" you mean... the staff/dealers... 1-10% Usually closer to the 1% for most.
my biggest cash this summer in an event was 11k, I tipped 190ish on top of the staffing fee taken out of every buy in.

if by " casher outter" you mean the cage staff...idk...like 0-2 dollars.
maybe a 5 if you won nice and are feeling generous.
i have heard entitled cage staff complain when someone cashes out thousands in chips and doesn't tip after they leave. I don't think they understand he coulda been buried 20k at blackjack and cashed out 5k. etc.
plus they get standard wages are not dependent on tips.

I am a professional gambler  ( not sarcasm, and not asking for money)  This is generally a terrible idea, especially with the edit that your friend isn’t actually a pro gambler. 

I make lower ish six figures per year (100-300) depends on the year, but the swings are wide, and you need to a large sample size to reach the overall result. 

Glad it worked out for you on this limited sample size though. 

That’s 12.50 an hour.  If you can speak English, pretty much any remote call center/customer service job. 

Instanbul, probably. If you’re talking about the place out front.  They’re good and open late. 

To be fair, I could easily afford to enter the main. But I don’t have an ego, I’m a cash player primarily. I don’t think a “break even 2/5 player is a huge favorite in the main” like a lot of people are saying. 

Plenty of dedicated tournament focused professionals bust day 1 or 2. Many more don’t even cash every year. 

If I’m not putting my own money up for it, I’m certainly not going to put up someone else’s. 

I have never been married I have never had kids.  I have a girlfriend of 7ish years. And I’ve usually kept a girlfriend before that.  But I don’t live with her. 

I’m not lonely.  I’ve never once felt the need or want to have children.  My girlfriend enjoys having weeks away to do her own thing at times.  I travel and work a lot, sometimes I’m away for a month at a time. 

It’s all good, no regrets so far, mid 30s. 

I’ve said no to someone offering to pay for my main event entry, 50% freeroll to me. 

I would feel too bad if I just lost 10k of someone else’s money. 

I also wouldn’t sell at a mark up.  If I have enough data to prove I am a winner in 10ks I should have more than enough roll to support and NOT WANT to give up my ev unless I have less than a 15% expected roi. 

Even at even money I’d feel bad losing other peoples money if I didn’t cash. 

I don’t sell action though.  Nor do I buy it. 

I also wouldn’t buy this action.

But if other people want to, whatever. He’s making money, other people are happy with what they’re getting. 

I remember when poker bunny was selling at like 200% for the ladies event or whatever “because it’s the softest field” and she didn’t cash.  People do wonky things with selling and buying action.  It’s whatever. 

Depends on your market.  In some markets plo is softer, in some it is tougher. Regardless they margins are much thinner, so you’re going to get more money in, more frequently, but with far less of a lead typically.  Unless you’re being a nit, then you’ll get in with a good lead a few hands a day for a few weeks until the regs catch on you’re playing only the nuts, and then you’ll get it in far less often. 

By far the most common bag I saw at the wsop was some variation of the LV av.  Seconded by the NIKE Fanny pack worn as a cross body. 

Roe always had a reasonable expectation to be overturned as it isn’t a clear constitutional right the country was built on, and is considered murder by a relatively large portion of the population. 

I am pro choice, but still. 

I just looked it up, briefly, in ~ 10 minutes or so.  I ignored all the democrat pages that showed up with articles and went directly to the site for it. 

It seems that trump is not associated with the board. I didn’t have time to look up the three board members more in dept. 

I fall into the millennial age range. I don’t know any heavy conservatives that plan to vote Biden. 

I don’t know what you’ve heard about there being no more elections past 2024 ever again if trump wins.  But, I will gladly lay you 100-1 odds that if trumps wins there WILL be another presidential election again in America.  I only have around 850k liquid, and I won’t promise you odds on anything more than I can pay right now. but if anyone wants 100-1 odds on a bet that if trump wins there will be another presidential election before 2050, I will glad to book your bet, up to 8500 dollars.  ( you must post with a legitimate escrow service, since I know you’re not going to send money to an internet stranger, we can both use our own attorneys to draw a contract, the full amount must be posted that you wish to bet prior to the 2024 election final results, I will escrow 5x your bet currently, in good faith, with a contract to fulfill the remaining 95x if another presidential election doesn’t occur prior to the next latest regularly scheduled election closest to the year 2050, you are responsible for all escrow and attorney fees) 

America didn’t become the new nazi germany with nukes the 4 years trump was in. And it’s not going to if he’s in another 4 years. 

The country also isn’t going to fall apart permanently into disrepair if Biden does another 4 years either. 

Oh no, not their fake personality… 

I was in chess club in elementary school…. I didn’t stick with it for life, I was just stating it was a standard rule in chess, not a prison specific rule. It was always enforced in every casual game I played as well.  I also started for all stars in basketball throughout school… and played baseball..and football.. and soccer one year, and competed on the academic team.  It’s not like I was the best chess guy, I just enjoyed games. 

This was just on the front page of Reddit.  Never been to the subreddit before, didn’t even notice which one it was in.  I’ve never been incarcerated. I have never even been convicted of a misdemeanor.  I do not plan to at any point in my life knowingly commit a crime. 

Voting for trump is a guarantee that if he wins you’ll never be allowed to vote again? 


I have roughly 850k liquid cash right now. I’ll give you 100-1 on up to 8.5k, that if trump wins… there will be another presidential election in the United States again after that. 

Basically a free stack of cash for you since, you know, it’s a guarantee…..