I’m not sure. My brother knows a guy from out of state he met in the military. He wanted me to get my blood work done multiple times before anything so I did. He told me what was wrong and suggested trt was my best bet. Receive it in the mail and was guided how to do it etc. (his goal is to get me at around 700-800 ng/dl) wants me to take monthly blood tests. Back to a previous question can I just stop taking it? I’ve only taken one shot so far. I don’t mind criticism. I’m seriously just looking for help. I’ve done hours of research but obviously I’m not an expert everything I read is two sided (yes it’s bad/No it’s safe). What would your suggestion be? I have the side effects of low T and lab result show low t, low thyroid, low wbc, low hct, low hgb, cortisol 9 ug/dl. I’ve had Ed and low libido for over two years. I’ve been battling to raise t for awhile and highest I got was around 400. Living with the symptoms is extremely difficult. I’ve tried researching age aswell and everything I’ve seen indicates age doesn’t matter for trt and it should be taken when needed. Fuck 12-13 year old trans are being prescribed trt.

Awe someone’s upset 😂

I have low thyroid, pretty sure hypogonadal. My doctors aren’t the smartest. The 4hr lesson in college clearly didn’t teach them shit. So I’m trying to learn myself. I have no idea Wtf I’m doing.

Living with low t is like living in black and grey. Constantly suicidal, fatigue, Ed, low libido, some days hardly able to get out of bed. I know it’s risky but what else am I suppose to do? I’d gladly accept suggestions. I’m 20 and haven’t even had morning wood in two years. Can’t establish a relationship or control emotions. Losing hope man. I work out aswell and have tried so much to raise it naturally.

Is it possible to come off aswell and regain testosterone?

Starting trt/dosageQuestion
Moderator removed post

Read online and they told me it’s a small dose and shouldn’t* really do any damage. I’m injecting

Trt & liver damageQuestion

I’m currently on 125mg (0.5ml) twice a week. I have been told I should also take a liver protector. Is this considered a low dosage? How bad is this for my liver?

I started taking Testosterone Cypionate today. I’m pretty damn scared not gonna lie. I took 0.5 ml (250mg/ml). Twice a week is what I was told to do. Can’t stop worrying.

Test should’ve been taken between 7-10am levels fluctuate too much at that age throughout the day

Do not hold fish like that. You can break their jaw and they will die if you release them.

How stupid can you be Nikita. Seriously just revert back to how it was before and refund everyone. Your game is dying now. Multiple of my friends have quit and said they’re done with Tarkov because of these stupid changes. I’m getting to the point where I don’t even want to play anymore. Eod was a little much but it wasn’t unbearable. But you also paid a hefty price at launch. I think gamma container should be fairly simple to get in standard if you hit like a higher level or quest. But eod gets it from start. Unheard should not exist and all the extra shit will ruin the game. If BSG can’t seriously use their fucking brains then I too will be quitting. Which is unfortunate because I had a lot of love and support for the game, I’ve been playing for years. But they are slowly ruining it. It’s very much less enjoyable.

I’ve seen multiple reports of it. Most people don’t care to read the small print because it’s a video game. They don’t realize they are practically signing a lifetime contract to one group when the game first opens. Or at least they should’ve created a completely separate black screen with text, with a warning message that you have to hit accept on first before picking a faction. Simple solutions.

Maybe follow your own advice lmao. It was my friend not me. Maybe read the entire post. Either way “the complaints” indicating there are several, which proves my point that it will become a bigger issue. It’s a video game. Tark was smarter than that and let’s people queue together from opposing factions as well as allows for character resets. You have to be brain dead to think the way it is now, is a good idea. Multiple streamers needed account resets so they could play together. Thus further proving my point.

Is it normal to think about killing yourself constantly?Content Warning: Suicidal Thoughts / Self Harm

I’m 20y/o. This past year has been really bad mentally. I get migraines and headaches from being depressed or just feeling alone. But I feel like I think about suicide atleast twice a day or more even if it’s a good day. I can’t even get in my car without think how fast I could drive into a tree to kill myself. I don’t think I ever could put my family through that pain I just feel tired of life and living in the black and grey. I don’t see the future. I just don’t know if I can make it. I just keep trying and not giving up on myself. I just I’m tired. I don’t really know how else to explain it. I used to take lexapro but I had several side effects from different meds so I stopped taking them and still suffer from some of the side effects. I also just notice that I don’t find joy in doing much anymore. Feels like I haven’t genuinely been happy in years. Not sure if it’s just a phase or I’m seriously losing my mind.

Don’t really see anything similar on eBay.

Selling not sure what it’s worth. Not a baseball collector

I am actively getting stronger. I usually split muscle groups so that I’m targeting atleast two during my workout. For example, Monday is Biceps and Back. I’ll do 80% of 1RM for 8-12 reps 3 sets for each muscle (short,long, brachialis) so 9 total sets. Then I’ll do the same with my back for about 9 total sets. Lately it’s been hard to improve because I recently tore my rotator cuff so for obvious reasons my bench has decreased significantly along with shoulder exercises. That’s actually why I decided to start my cut because normally I’d give it until March to start my cut. As for tracking body fat % to be honest I haven’t in years. I basically just eye ball it and take progress pictures. Last time I measured body fat % was in highschool with a machine. Im not even sure how calipers work. It does seem like I tend to lose muscle mass and then gain it back as soon as I start bulking again. As for movement outside of active exercise. I’m currently a college student and I’m fairly busy all day long either running errands, working, at the gym, or in class. I do have anxiety and depression so I’m assuming those also make my progression in weight loss worse. I feel decent during my sets and push to failure. I know there isn’t a way to target a certain area of fat with working out but at this point losing the love handles, lower abdominal fat, and lower back seems almost impossible for me.

Cutting Help

I'm currently 20y/o 5' 6" 170lbs. I'm simply just not understand how many calories I need to take in everyday to lose weight. I track calories, measure everything I put in my body. I allow myself to take in 1,800 calories a day. Online calculators say that my BMR is about 1,800 calories. However, I work 4-5 days a week (hoping that accounts for the deficit). For about 50-90mins depending on my routine. Lately I've been splitting my days in half with heavy lifting and threw in about 2miles of cardio just to help me stay in a deficit. I Usually have 1.5cup of Oats 4 tbsp of peanuts butter & 1 cup of almond milk in the morning. Then I hold off until after my workout anywhere between 2-8pm and then I take in the rest of my calories post workout with protein powder, chicken, creatine, greek yogurt, etc. However, I struggle to notice fat loss. I always seem fatigued to the point I could pass out if I even touch a bed. I've been trying to micro nap before I head to the gym to allow myself to not be as miserable. I'm fairly muscular. Mainly just the stubborn fat on the top of my pecks and lower abdomen/back. I have a vitamin D deficiency so I've been supplementing and it seems to have gone into the normal range. I also take Ashwagandha. Simply just looking for advice. Is BMR a bullshit way to know how many calories you should be taking in. I'm constantly hungry and feel like garbage. I'm okay with that but I would like to at least see results to show my effort is worth it. Just looking for what could possibly work. I've done a lot of research. Just seems to be a lot of professionals arguing different things. Not exactly sure what the truth is.