Happy Birthday to the best cartoonist of my life time, you have no idea how much you've made my life better with Calvin & Hobbes. Hats off to you!

Jake is very streaky, but when he's hot, he's really hot.

Danton has some offense and he hustles 100% night in night out. Should become a fan favorite in Vancouver.

Derek is a solid 3rd pair d-man. Very good at blocking shots on PK.

Take good care of them!

Indeed! I appreciate the beauty of younger women, but I'd like to find a nice woman my age.

Never. As an older guy, I find older women still attractive.

I'm an older man considered a Chad when I was younger, I've lost count a long time ago.

Most women suck giving bj's so pretty much anything else.

Why is Madonna dating a boy toy empowering but Leo dating only girls under 25 exploiting women?

Shape over size, natural over fake every day and twice on Sunday.

I don't give a single thought to that and just go about my business.

Eli siis nainen on se uhri, joka joutuu katsomaan miesten "lerssejä", eikä suinkaan se mies, joka ei saa yksityisyyttä tarpeeksi virtsatakseen ilman naisten katseita?

Käsittääkseni yksikään karhu ei ole koskaan valehdellut, joten kai se karhu sit pitäis valita.

Hey, I apologize if I came out condescending. All I meant was that if you have been mistreated by men, and I'm sorry for anything you have gone through, this sub might not be the best one for you. Most men here have had bad experiences with women and it shows. That's why I don't think this is a good place for you.

Yeah I think you should leave. Take care of your mental health. This is not the place for you, go back to your safe place.

Right. The difference is that you're still free to comment here. We on the other hand get banned for "derailing" if we dare to suggest "not all men". That's why some guys here, including me, don't really like the "not all women" approach.

Do you know what happens in feminist subs if we try to say "Not all men?"

Yes you are allowed to ask questions here. But we should know that you're a 15 year old girl instead of an adult woman. The answers are wildly different if we don't know your age. I'm actually not trying to keep you from posting here but mostly trying to protect you. Next time you post, please include your age, that's all.

No teeth and a lot of enthusiasm goes a long way.