N: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡°πŸ‡ͺ | A: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡·πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί | Focus: πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί

I'm half Kale and half Maasai lol. Yamunei

Kenya πŸ‡°πŸ‡ͺ

For Kenya, it's usually the service sector growing. Productivity in the agricultural sector has been dropping since 2007 and manufacturing is a joke.

For somewhere like Rwanda, the mining industry might be a big factor too since they're stealing colran from the DRC for export.

N: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡°πŸ‡ͺ | A: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡·πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί | Focus: πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί

I like weird alphabets and Arabic looked a bit too weird for my liking. So I started with Greek then quickly got bored and moved on to Russian which I still find pretty interesting.

N: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡°πŸ‡ͺ | A: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡·πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί | Focus: πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί

Don't Lebanese people (or at least the rich ones) usually speak all 3?

N: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡°πŸ‡ͺ | A: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡·πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί | Focus: πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί

Mine is quite unique. I'm a Kenyan, I speak English, Kiswahili and some Nandi. I'm learning Russian which is pretty rare in the country. Not saying I'm one of a kind but I am pretty close.

The primary members of the Axis of Resistance came together without China. Yemeni, Lebanese and Palestinian people were fighting US imperialism well before China came onto the scene. Yemen was the only socialist state in the MENA region. Palestinians were fighting before China existed and they were working with South Yemen back then too. The Iranian revolution made fast friends with them too. China didn't bring them together. The struggle against US imperialism did.

The contradictions of imperialism are what brought China to work with them. China, despite being imperialist, still depends on exporting commodities to a significant degree. And selling weapons to the Axis of Resistance is one area where they have a captive market. And since this arms trade created a friendly relationship with Iran, China was incentivised to expand trade links which meant that they couldn't sanction them. In this way, China joining the Axis of Resistance is an effect, and China definitely isn't the main factor holding it together. The Chinese national bourgeoisie just have a class interest in helping Iran. That same class interest is what is now turning them into the imperialist class and is what ensures they don't seriously act against Israel (since they benefit from trading with Israel and are happy to continue doing so).

Yeah, Mao started the detente with the USA. We should absolutely critique that. What makes no sense is to critique Mao's detente then clap for Xi for doing exactly the same thing in conditions where China should be even more opposed to detente. China simply isn't the vanguard of the revolution and it is not even anti-imperialist.

I'm doing dialectical materialism, that's why I'm mentioning classes. You should try doing that too.

The USA has done basically nothing to South Africa despite lodging a court case with the ICC. It hasn't attacked China for its diplomatic moves like burying it in lawsuits in various international dispute courts. In fact, the USA feels so comfortable with China that it asked them to join Operation Prosperity Guardian.

China's gamble here was what? Abetting genocide over more complex bank transfers?

This is a strategy that only works if you think the USA is run by complete idiots. It is not. China didn't grow because they tricked the USA into giving them a permission slip. China grew because they abandoned their principles a long time ago and the USA knows they aren't a threat to capitalism.

Because that isn’t their MO

It was for a very long time. Mao went on the record saying ”Israel and Taiwan are bases of operation for Imperialism in Asia. They created Israel for the Arabs and Taiwan for us. They both have the same objective”.

China has the capacity to just sanction Israel or cut ties. Smaller countries with heavy sanctions have done it. It's not doing cutting ties because it doesn't want to. It's as simple as that. China cares about money first and foremost. That's why they trade with the Axis of Resistance too. China isn't playing some anti-imperialist 4D chess game.

Kenya πŸ‡°πŸ‡ͺ

Things change. Back then, Algeria had very close ties with Sub-Saharan Africa. They armed Angola and they trained tonnes of Mozambican soldiers for example. Ben Bella was good friends with Nkrumah and Algeria even hosted the All African Cultural Festival and made the "All African Cultural Manifesto" where they didn't identify themselves as Arab but as African.

Kenya πŸ‡°πŸ‡ͺ

You can only act when your actions achieve perfection? Well damn, then all those anti-colonial fighters should really have just stayed home. I mean why fight in Algeria if Uganda will still be colonised?

Kenya πŸ‡°πŸ‡ͺ

We literally have video of the IDF doing exactly this while there's no evidence of Hamas doing that. They wear identifying marks petty openly as part of their uniforms.

By your logic, burning down Tel Aviv is perfectly reasonable now.

Chrck it out here (remove the spaces in between): https:// sandrawatfa/status/1752326490941714552?t=J5rPLB8BAVgUlctj-4O7RA&s=19

Kenya πŸ‡°πŸ‡ͺ

You do realise that the French carried out a genocide of Algerians under the same logic of "fighting Islamist terror", right?

Palestinians are being genocided in Gaza, as a re people in both Darfur and the eastern DRC.

Kenya πŸ‡°πŸ‡ͺ

Racism (especially during the colonial era) is exactly why there are so many Algerians in France.

Marxist Theory

I'll kick Amilcar Cabral just because he's the one on my mind at the moment. In his speech, Brief Analysis of the Social Structure in Guinea, he makes arguments that would contradict what Marx said outright like arguing that certain sections of the lumpenproletariat who are revolutionary or talking about the semi-proletarian peasant (which is a concept that didn't exist yet AFAIK so he doesn't call them that).

Yes, the dude who championed the right of nations to self-determination actually hated them doing that.

Ugali is made with sorghum even today bro

It was made with local grains like sorghum and millet before maize came along.

The last time they tried fought Egypt, they lost 400 tanks in like 3 days and they had to threaten to nuke Syria

Kenya πŸ‡°πŸ‡ͺ

Some black people are Muslims and have families that have been Muslims for over a millenium so they end up picking up bits of Arab culture by association. Like how a lot of black Christians will also pick up European culture because Christianity is associated with it. Islam is a part of a lot of black people's culture and it'd be absurd to tell them to just stop being Muslims all of a sudden.

Secondly, you can't lump all Arabs together. Some Arab states are a lot worse than others. Some were better at one point and worse at another point. For example, Algeria was as good as it gets with black people back when Ben Bella was in charge. Egypt under Nasser was OK and Western Sahara too was good with black people. But if you were to cross the border into Morocco, racism might as well be a national language.

Another thing that complicates matters is that the more Western backed an Arab state is, the more racist they are likely to be. Yemen has a massive population of Somalis and other black people and they don't seem to suffer any special oppression. Meanwhile, cross the border into Saudi Arabia or the Gulf States and you basically have the slave trade still running. The only country I can think of that breaks this trend is Sudan. But overall, it's hard to separate Western racism from Arab racism when they always work together.

It wasn't Palestinians but Fatah specifically. I don't think we should go around judging entire nations based on a single party. Do you disagree?

But since we're on the topic, we must also point out that the Israelis were key in getting Idi Amin in power in the first place. Even the British consulate turned to them (specifically the military attache, Colonel Bar-Lev) to help him. And their goal in all this was to punish Sudan by inflaming the civil war as revenge for the Khartoum declaration.

Marxist Theory

So do you reject the analyses of peasant economies put forward by Global South communists, or the discovery of the origins of money as an accounting aid (to mention 2 prominent examples)?

Umeshaa amua atapata twins? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Use value is subjective. It's just that we are looking at it as subjective to the entire society. The use value of pasteurised milk to a community where 95% are lactose intolerant and the use value to another community where only 5% are lactose intolerant is different. And capitalists will look at this when deciding to produce commodities. They don't go around asking random individuals whether or not their stuff is needed.

It's always interesting to see the things ppl miss when they're out there. I had a friend who always used to pack smokies to carry with him to India.