I’m not lazy, I just don’t see the point of all this. As I said, I work 10-12 hours a day

I love the Latin mass and traditional stuff but at the same time think it starts too far into like, magic or something. The prayers (not the mass) seem so formulaic and unnecessary. And I hate how many sedevecantists and schismatics there are, as well as the coldness and lack of mercy or understanding. But I love the vibe

What does Vatican 2 teach that opposes the past teaching? Your implying that V2 must be heresy then

I don’t really buy the disease model of addiction, even as I’m trapped in it. I don’t think it’s a moral failing necessarily but I do think I and many others could get out of it if we wanted to,

I understand all of that, I just don’t feel it or believe it deep down. All of this feels pointless and if god is real all of this is still pointless because we could be in heaven instead of going through horrific suffering. I know it’s small minded but if the cost of heaven is living in North Korea all your life then that seems way too high a price. And also some people have great lives, and still go to heaven, so they get all the reward and none of the pain (relatively). Just sucks man, I hate being here

It is a curse, but also 40 is still young enough for marriage? My mom and step dad married in their 40’s and had a kid. Get your ass out there and date!

Well at least you can get a gf in the future. I’m gay so I’m stuck being celibate or damned

That’s what I mean though. Like it’s God who is behind everything, including all the suffering since he made the world the way it is. I understand the game I just don’t want to play but I’m forced to, and somehow I’m supposed to love the creator who locked me in here with very very little concrete knowledge of himself to go on

Why are you in a catholic sub if you’re not catholic?

Yeah I’m a week sober right now, still dealing with porn addiction but once I’m a month clean on alcohol I’m going to switch my focus to that

Taylor marshal is a schismatic. Vatican 2 is doctrine. There’s no debate.

I’ve tried it before. Like I said I work 10-12 hours a day so quite frankly I’m not praying the rosary for an hour out of the little free time I get. That’s why I hate devotions like that, they’re not mandatory or even scriptural yet people act like that’s the only for real results

Well according to your other comments you’re a schismatic so I think you probably are just gaslighting yourself into feelings of conciliation. If you’re not with Rome then you’re not a catholic full stop, so I’ll take my spiritual advice from people who actually know what they’re talking about. Adoration doesn’t cure depression

Wow, throw another sin on the pile. So helpful

Thank you for your kind words

I am getting back into exercise, I agree with the benefits but as of now I only go like once a week, I need to buckle down and do it

Sometimes nice, sometimes boring, sometimes anger that I have to sit and stare at bread instead of having an actual conversation back and forth with words, knowing full well he could choose to talk to me but lets me flail around in the dark instead

I relate to everything you said (except the career stuff, I just work in lawn care) so I can relate

I hear that but I just don’t get how venting to a room of strangers helps. I may give it another go but I have limited time as it is working 10-12 hour shifts, so going to an hour long meeting in my free time just sucks