They are coming to town soon, guess I'll be going!

I'm going to be the highest person in that room

Seems you're the one with the touched nerve

Up to 94 now. She has devot3d her whole life to this. Being white doesn't hinder someone from doing good.

I know it isn't ideal, but when I got to the point where I would tell chompers and screamers to shut the fuck up, my show experiences have improved 10 fold.

It's not always about moving to a new spot. Sometimes it's as simple as telling a coked up asshole they are being an asshole

Eta: spelling/grammar fix

You lived to tell about it. The bike is gone but you aren't. One day you'll be back on two wheels and this will be nothing but a photo to remember.

I love how much they are showing us of this

I tried finding it on YouTube and couldn't. What should I search to bring it up?

If you get cold, will you put a robe on? My wife and I aren't practicing nudists by anymeans but are pretty much naked all the time when we are home. But if cold we wear robes, is that not something you do? If not, why?

Yeah my cheif had some mods and it can keep up with any scout I've rode with

Yeah, that's still pretty new. And this post is an example of your inexperience.

Nope, my Indian turns it off after turning. No need to worry thankfully.

This is definitely an image

No rain means no burning lately as well. Which usually helps a bit

Him changing to Barclay Crenshaw is a travesty

Well, he'll get a room now. Just not the one he wanted