I'm pretty sure Reform didn't get that many more votes overall than UKIP did back in 2015. So in 9 years largely the same party hasn't managed to increase the vote share it can get. This makes me think there's a natural cap on the number of people willing to buy Farage's nonsense and they seem to be there or thereabouts. Much like UKIP I think they'll fade into obscurity once the Conservatives sort themselves out (however long that might take).

I feel the following explanation from the same link is quite important and absolutely should have been included.

The payment is. “for the “necessary office costs and secretarial costs arising from their special position in public life. It is not a payment or bonus to the former prime minister as an individual.”

You're making me cry right now. I don't deserve this level of niceness, but I'm going to save this and whenever things get tough I'm going to try and be the version of me that some lovely random Redditor thought I was today..

You seem to be arguing my point for me? It's not my place to assume anything about my kid, so it's very important that (ideally) she knows she can come to me with this stuff or, if she chooses to talk to her mother, her aunt, her uncle, or Santa Claus. Then that's fine too, and when (if) I do find out even if I think "wow I wish you'd told me" I say "thank you for telling me - what can I do to help"

I don't know. Presumably OP felt whatever he would do would be worse. She might be wrong, I have no way to tell. She used her judgment - and she may have been right or wrong but strikes me she meant well.

I'm sorry to hear that. Sending you some dad hugs across the interwebz.

Well no one can know what will happen in the future. I might be full of shit go mental when it happens to my kid. It's easy to spout platitudes on the internet for upvotes but I hope I'd live up to it.

I can only go off what OP said. But assuming she's telling the truth, then she decided telling the father would escalate the situation. So in that situation she made the best call for their daughter as she saw it.

Now, that might have been the wrong call (even though I don't think it was), but I really hope I'm the sort of parent that would be considering the whole situation and appreciating she did the best as she saw it at that point. Easy for me to say of course as I'm not in this situation. But parenting is hard, it's so fucking hard, and you need to be a team. So if your teammate fumbles the ball you aren't going to make yards by berating them for it.

As a father I agree. My daughter is a good few years off this sort of thing, and I’d like to think her mother would tell me straightaway. But if she didn’t, I’d like to think I’d accept that, perhaps ask why she felt I couldn’t be told, but at the end of the day what must come first is my daughter’s well being so if her mother makes that call (even for the wrong reasons) I’m not making a big fuss.

Rishi has gone full tetch. So if you like watching him flounder it’s worth a watch.

I wonder does Rishi watch these interviews back and think “I came across really well there”?

I usually find this sub a bit nicer but I’m old enough and ugly enough to cope. Well, I’ll cry for about ten minutes and then open some more wine

Labour are still going to win big so hey ho. But my word the downvotes for giving my opinion. That’s just not cricket

I didn’t feel she was being one sided. And I’m pretty tribal for the left. But maybe she was and I’m being too soft.

Ouch did you downvote me?(someone did) I think that muting speakers is a step the British media can’t yet bring themselves to take. I’d love it, and I wish they’d do it. Though I guess the other way to look at it is letting Sunak be interuppty and shouty is not a good look at all.

Genuinely curious why you think that? I mean sure she could have shut Sunak down at times but he’s clearly learnt to keep talking and unless they turn off his mike he can still keep talking.

I thought it was much better. But opinions are like arseholes and you probably don’t want me shoving mine in your face 😃

That was so much better than the ITV debate. The moderator did a decent job and we got some decent answers.