I love the idea of this and it may work for some. But a lot of nicotine addicts (including myself) would just puff more. When I smoked cigarettes, I tried going from lights to ultralights and ended up just smoking more to get to the level my body craved.

That’s the first time I’ve seen someone take four spots. Amazing!

I was hoping someone would post this! I grew up and lived there until a few years ago. I got to guide one of the haunted walking tours for a while. It was fun!

Yessss! I was born there. Haven’t been there in a few years but the downtown was in horrible shape when I last saw it.

I concur. Born in Shreveport and grew up in the Arklatex. Since I was local and white I didn’t realize how racist it all was until tRump ran the first time. God lord it was awful!

I took my daughter to see this movie (she was 12 at the time). I ugly cried in the theater and was amazed how unemotional she was. She’d read the book so knew what would happen, lol. I told her the least she could have done was warn me.

Ahhh, I knew there were still good Christians out there. I’m sorry evangelicals have given Christianity a bad name I wish your kind of Christian was as loud as they are.

Omg! These comments are priceless!!! Laughing so hard right now.

I agree, never thought otherwise. But evangelicalism and abuse go hand in hand. Abusive people seem to be drawn to it.

My thinking is if any of your coworkers have religious items on display (crosses, angels, etc.) then you’re fine. If no one else displays religious items, I’d leave it at home.

Private Drive Sign

Just curious, I noticed the other day that there is a ‘private drive’ sign on the corner of Silver Lake and I think Lannen Lane. Is that enforceable on a city street? Maybe Lannen Lane isn’t a city street and the HOA takes care of the road? TIA!


I tried in a few previous replies to your comments. Unfortunately, you’re a lost cause. I’m sorry you’re living in such deep delusion. I hope you’ll see reality one day. I’m sure the folks downvoting you don’t care enough about your opinions to take the time to comment. However, I was a conservative once upon a time and I’m still salty that my comfortable ignorance was destroyed by tRump and his magats.

Wow, everything you said sounds like everything tRump says.

Hun, your cheese has done slid off your cracker, bless your heart.