I feel like they have normal coffees outside of the special board somewhere

Sorry to misgender you, an us vs them vibe broke out in the comments and carried me away! Thanks for making this post :)

Literally look at the responses to this post, so many men in particular hand waving, blaming her for going to the wrong events, or just straight laughing at her. Not even aware they’re proving her point.

The fact is this is happening all kinds of events and at every festival and acting like it doesn’t happen in your perfect PLUR community is part of the problem. Your post was extremely dismissive and yes victim blaming, you’re literally saying she’s in the wrong place and that’s why it happened. No, people assault people everywhere all over the world, and it happens because they choose to do so and they are enabled when other people turn a blind eye.

The victim blaming in this thread is crazy. ‘You’re going to the wrong events’ ‘you must not be respecting your body’ men think cause they have good experiences at events they’re safe for everyone.

Newsflash if you’re brushing posts like this off and pretending they don’t happen in your perfect little community too you are enabling this and you are part of the problem ✨

Idk I’d just nod and smile like the guy in this video honestly she was a bit unhinged

Yeah she obviously got her muddled logic from science, but we’re in the UK. There aren’t many UV rays to go round and throwing just washed and dried clothes outside on the dirty public floor (we didn’t have a garden, we had a public walkway) is a crazy extrapolation of the science when you could just wash your clothes on high heat or throw some dettol in the machine to actually sanitise everything.

I make rotas for nurses now and the majority of them are great people doing great jobs but really, any one of us could get the degree if we committed to doing so, and there’s not much mandatory training once you have it.

Part of my job involves regularly having very common sense conversations with nurses about infection control, eg. You need to wash your hands and put on fresh gloves every time you perform an intervention on a patient do you understand? next week i get video footage of them cleaning their teeth or scrolling on their phone with their gloved hands that they then perform tracheostomy interventions with without changing gloves. We got a kid who has repeated chest infections and his nurses are giving them to him, despite repeated conversations and 20 years in nursing they just do not comprehend basic hand hygiene. You really can’t put your faith in anyone just because they got a degree 15 years ago.

Lived with a nurse during covid lockdowns who threw her clean laundry out on the concrete outside because ‘sunlight kills covid’ and told everyone if you drink hot tea every 20 mins it will kill covid before it infects you. There are thick as shit nurses out there.

lol me when i was a stupid heavy user i got flu symptom withdrawals but they still only lasted like 5 days with the milder symptoms going up to 2 weeks

‘Overdosing on marijuana’ - ow oo im anxious and i need a little nap

Taylor is absolutely coked up at these events have you seen her?

Neither is Charli tbh, happy collaborative healthy girl gang stay winning.

Yeah it just doesn’t really come off as tongue in cheek enough for me with heroin chic coming back in and everyone getting their BBLs reversed and going on ozempic like I wanna hear songs about fat tits not how cool it is to starve. I get that it’s not to be taken literally but people will be bumping that on their pro ana playlists and at charli’s age and level of influence that’s a blunder imo

Honestly I feel like charli is too old to be like ooo anorexia and cigarettes and eye liner sharp enough to kill a man and it comes off really cringe and 2010. It’s the only skip on the album for me.

If you have or open a Monzo account you can use their flex card for any purchase to split into 3 interest free payments, it’s how I pay in 3 anything now and it will let you pay in euros as well.

had this in my head for a week and no one to talk about it with

my reading experience was ‘who tf thinks eating cheese is a cheap snack I wonder where OP lives.. hold up what the actual fuck’

This is why she’s always styled so poorly on red carpets as well. There’s no other excuse or reason I can imagine, she always looks messy and out of place. She’s attached to her 2012 public image and refuses to grow.

Looks irritated and dry, adding a cleanser to your routine day and night would probably help a lot, and obligatory use a daily SPF - sun damage contributes to redness and hyperpigmentation!

Condoms don’t always protect against things like genital warts so there’ll still be that little worry (but wrap it up)

Oh damn I haven’t tried the green yet, I literally added it to my cart this morning to try but I might just get the supersized blue and stay where it’s safe

Cosrx aloe, toccobo, and thank you farmer are my favourites, thank you farmer is controversial as it gives you GLASS skin and some people find it irritating but for others (including me) it’s a holy grail. Cosrx and toccobo seem to be universally adored by all.

one of them did the you dropped something and prolonged handshake on me last week in Broadmead, got really nasty when I said I wasn’t interested but I moved away fast. what can actually be done about them, we all know it’s a scam and not charity work but they’re just allowed to hang around there all day anyway.