My mom had a melanoma on her cheek and she still went to work, even with the bandage on.

So I’m now sitting here feeling my hair and trying to decide if it’s different. It kinda feels the same as it always has….

I would have loved to see this! The Wayward Sisters are badass!

Yeah but who stays up late with their coins?

I think it deserves at least one watch. Then you have a cup of tea and a good cry and start over again.

My moms chicken soup and brisket have entered the conversation.

It’s even better when you live alone and all you need to do is grab a fork and pour a glass of wine.

I love leftovers. I love them even more when my mom packs me some to take home. Score!!!

Mine is like that. She’s sweet but brainless.

Lol she’s pissed at you! Get her some treats and toys. Apologize to her.

He’s gorgeous. And he played for da Cubs!!

That’s a medically important thing for her to know.

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Books and/or DVDs. That’s what I gave my SIL when she was dealing with cancer. We watched a lot of the DVDs together. Your company would be welcome too.