They said "+-3k hours", so they could also have played negative 48hrs per day.

which I believe you can just corrupt beastcraft at that point

Corrupt an Item: To have 30% Quality
Only works on armour and weapons

To stay at the levels of delusion that are required to call the NYT a "right wing rag" I'll mention that WaPo is owned by Jeff Bezos and they completely serve his interests and as proof for that you can just pretend i linked to 4 or 5 opinion articles published by WaPo that say positive stuff about billionaires or something. Wake up sheeple, follow the science or whatever other dumb shit people usually say.

So, more like a choice between a bottle of Dasani or a shit sandwich maybe?

After some binging the best i could come up with was the inverse i guess? 28% of British Muslims in Poll Want Rushdie Dead. Couldn't find the poll they are referencing and Harris doesn't seem to publish their polls, so no clue if there was some more granular breakdown. Another one was 40% of British Muslims want Sharia Law - ICM which says

Regarding reactions to the cartoons, 14% of British Muslims thought it was right for protesters in Muslim countries to attack Danish embassies and 12% thought it was right for "demonstrators to carry placards calling for the killing of those who insult Islam". 13% said it was right "to exercise violence against those who are deemed by religious leaders to have insulted them".

So, their source for that 70% might be AN Alca Vity.

Yep. They've been cultivating the maga base for decades, they just never had anyone who could harness all that power. Trump is basically their messiah and now they are reaping what they've sowed. Whether that will pay off and work out in the long run or not, well see in November I guess.

In what reality are you living in? Young Democrats are frustrated with foreign policy regarding Ukraine? The GOP just picking someone but Trump to run for President without completely imploding because of the maga cults reaction to that? What?

I leveled it to 95 in delve with a trickster and to 100 in maps with the shrine XP stuff as an Inquisitor. I liked it a lot more than smite.

Wiped the whole team with nothing but pistol headshots in 4s. Damn, there are some good players in this game.

Was the 2020 Election stolen by the democrats and Joe Biden is an illegitimate president?

As a german living in germany, I don't think I'm allowed to do that.

The EA App is also just a dumpster fire even without glitches like this one.

It's just hard for me to fault "the media" when stuff like this from the independent, newrepublic, salon, etc. is a staple on the reddit frontpage with the comments filled to the brim with people eating up this garbage (or sometimes even just the headline).

Link to your own post or the reddit cares PM, additional info that reddit cares was abused. You don't have to know who reported the post for reddit cares, reddit does know.

Fuck that. Report that the feature was abused and it gets that account banned. Will this mostly hit throwaway accounts from pathetic dick heads? Sure. But sometimes it'll hit someone who thought consequences is stuff that happens to others.